Hi all I m new here
please vcan anybody guide me what is the first basic test to get the diagnose of autism
Sometimes doctor say adhd to mu 7year old son some time autism whatbshould i do.
Hi all I m new here
please vcan anybody guide me what is the first basic test to get the diagnose of autism
Sometimes doctor say adhd to mu 7year old son some time autism whatbshould i do.
Hi ha11,
The test your son needs is called the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS). It is a standardized diagnostic test for Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD). ASD has three predominant levels, depending on your son's abilities and deficits. I was diagnosed as having ASD Level One. Level one is the least pervasive form of autism, it is what used to be termed "Asperger's Syndrome". ADHD and ASD can often be confused with one another. Given that your son is seven, if he had autism, he would probably exhibit signs of social phobia. He would rather be alone than playing with others his own age. He would also be likely to create his own "little world". This self-generated microcosm would be his place of "sanctuary" from the rigors of reality-school, social engagements, family members (especially siblings) and society in general. The ADOS is one of the diagnostic tools a psychologist/psychiatrist would employ to generate a diagnosis of autism. If your son had strictly ADHD, he would show signs of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Often children who display signs of inattention do so because they are not being cognitively "challenged" They bore easily because their abilities are beyond the current level of learning. In certain cases the child is intellectually "gifted" and simply needs a more challenging curriculum to be engaged. Usually, when the child leaves school for the day they will behave more normally. This is due to the removal of the "boring" environment. Getting a qualified professional to perform the tests required to differentiate between autism and AHDH can be very challenging, even demeaning. Most family practitioners take the path of "least resistance" and may suggest you wait until he gets older. Do not accept this. Instead, go online and Google "Autism Spectrum Disorder" as well as "ADHD". There you will find a tremendous number of resources to help the parent get there child assessed. Waiting is the worst thing you can do. Autism especially requires early childhood interventions including strategies and methods of coping with this neuropsychological disorder. The sooner in life they master these techniques, the better the outcome when they reach adulthood. ADHD is a learning disorder which can be managed quite well with medications. Some therapeutic modalities can also provide improvement. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) can help the child with ADHD learn coping strategies in addition to lifestyle changes. Finding help is often an uphill battle that might wear you down, but, the consequences for your growing, developing son can be life-altering when he reaches adulthood if he doesn't get the help he needs now. One last note: ADHD can often present as a co-occurring condition or comorbidity in children with autism. Often they go hand-in-hand. One occurs as a result of another. Acknowledge this, and let your healthcare provider know as well. This might prevent a single diagnosis of ADHD without taking into account that autism might exist as well. Best of luck in your journey, and remember, the best way from point A to point B is not always a straight line.