I let my ittle boy have it now he has mild autism. I have a 10mth old little girl and I'm thinking of giving her the single vaccines instead, but it's so expensive! But can I take that risk again?
What are people's views on the connection b... - Autism Support
What are people's views on the connection between autism and the MMR vaccine?

I wouldn't not get her immunised, look at Wales at the moment, everyone panicking. Both my children have autism and they have both had the mmr, my eldest even though he wasn't diagnosed until recently was born with it, my youngest started showing signs about 10 months old. It is better, in my opinion for children to be vaccinated against terrible diseases that could potentially kill. I haven't been vaccinated myself and I had a pretty miserable childhood as I have had measles, mumps and rubella, my mum could have saved me a lot of pain and illness had she got me vaccinated but that was her choice and I respect that.
Children with autism can be high achievers, they are very special, so much in this world has been achieved by people with autism. Please let ur child be immunised, measles is too bad and you would never forgive yourself if she got a bad case of it. If you can afford single injections for your peace of mind then please do it.
Absolutely I would always immunise my children. The choice for me is the MMR or single vaccines? I am worried there maybe a connection as he didn't show signs before his MMR. It's a worrying time........but I realise if there is a connection it will never be confirmed. I just wanted to see if other mums with children with autism feel the same as me? Or am I just worrying too much?
I think every mum worries too much. It is a serious question that I struggled with, with my eldest. I asked a lot of questions to a lot of health professionals and the answer to it every time was immunise. I think the single vaccines would probably be safer, I don't know it's personal. Good luck with your choice
My son is now 24 years of age and was in the first batch of MMR vaccines in 1998. He became unwell some years after the vaccination as was eventually diagnosed with Crohns, a disease linked with MMR as well as autism. People tend to forget that it is not just autism that is life changing but so is IBS attributed to MMR, my son had to have his large bowel removed and a permanent ileostomy at 14,it is irreversible. That let me tell you has been life changing. Dr Andrew Wakefield who was later struck off was Simon's first point of contact along with 2 others after diagnosis. Dr Wakefield sighted MMR and found a large 'pounding' of vaccine under a huge structure in his large bowel. Just for the record we were always asked and signed all necessary paperwork for samples and test for research - another piece of inaccurate information at his trial. I don't have any faith in Doctors but I had great faith in him.
I still believe that Dr Wakefield and Co were absolutely correct in citing IBS and autism to MMR and that it all got a bit 'hot' and that resulted in his subsequent removal. I remain convinced that MMR was responsible for my son's Crohns. However, in saying all this I would still have children vaccinated. I believe that the vaccine is more 'refined' now and there is less chance of a problem.
So, have them vaccinated I say but spare a thought for those who still have to suffer the
results if this vaccine.
Vaccine does not cause Autism..show me the data from random clinical trials that says vaccine cause Autism....if you prove me wrong I will eat my hat. DO you not realise that Autism is genetic? SO who did you Sn inherit it from? But you like to blame vaccines...so funny!
I am not sure where Autism comes from, I think they are still trying to figure that one out. I have 3 girls born 1994, 1998 and 2010 yes 5 years and then 12 years between my girls. My youngest is the only one that I know of on my side or my husband that has a whole combination of issue's.
My older 2 are Neuro typical, my youngest hasn't been diagnosed with Autism yet but I believe she is high functioning. She has been diagnosed with ADHD both kinds, OCD, ODD, Sensory issues and Anxiety issues as well as some fancy word that means not fully potty trained (Still wears a diaper at night and to poop). I noticed that she was not progressing like before and even regression. Not saying the shots are the root cause but maybe set something off in my child in the wrong direction. Everybody is out to blame someone or something and not always thinking clearly. I thing instead of blaming everyone; everyone help each other to help the children and adults out there to have t he best life they can have
The link between the MMR vaccine and autism was found to be discredited. People may develop autism around the time they have the MMR vaccine this is coincidental and due to the fact that children happen to have the vaccine around the time that autism develops. I would also say vaccination is neccesary I knew someone at school who had measles and as a result she became deaf in one ear. Measles and the other diseases that are vaccinated through use of the MMR can cause serious complications which are life long.
Sometimes I wonder as my son now 4 seems to have changed in behaviour since he had the MMR. He has NOT had the preschool booster and I am terrified.Though his speech is delayed,he became temperamental and began to line up toys.He is under assesement.
I have two older boys 14 and 12 both fine and had the MMR. We dont know of anyone in the families with autism but a learning disability from the children's dad.A distant relative.
I have an older boy now 8 diagnosed at 3 and a half.He spoke by about 20 months very well.Then at three after vaccines his speech went. He lost eye contact.I know this has been known to happen but he became violent and it all seems to take a worse turn after the vaccine.I believe though that he was born with it.His head was more prominent and forehead pronounced than the average. Head circumference has been linked to autism I believe.
However,I also believe there is some links to autism with MMR.
Thank you all for your responses. Its nice to know I'm not alone regarding this issue. I'm starting to feel that single vaccines are the safer option. Beit the more expensive option but I don't think I can risk the MMR again.
With people's opinions on MMR causing gastric problems I'm starting to agree with you. 40 yrs ago my partners brother died aged 4yrs after having intestinal problems potentially caused by his vaccinations! The doctor then advised his mother NOT to vaccine any of her future children!
I think there is a huge coincidence that these health issues appear with the MMR. I think some children have a weakness to this and so the MMR can create further problems. My son too was trying to speak before his injections now he has no desire to, (amongst other autistic signs) I believe it was a factor.
But I must not dwell on it. But make a better future for him and his sister.
Thank you all xxx
It's sometimes easy to fall into that trap of thinking the MMR is related to the child's Autism, for sometime I questioned it with my 3yr old daughter as it was around the time she had the jab that we started noticing the symptoms properly. All the same we still had our 20mth old daughter vaccinated with the MMR jab & she is a completely different child showing no signs of Autism at all.
My eldest son had the MMR at 15 months, then aged 18 months it was like a switch flicked in him. He was finally diagnosed with ADHD and mild ASD.
When I had my other 2 boys, I didn't get them vaccinated as I was terrified the same thing would happen, so they never had the jab.
Ironically one is diagnosed with Aspergers and the other with Sensory processing disorder.
I'm now looking to get them vaccinated by single jabs
Thank you for your responses. I think if there is an underlying autisim or asp problem then I perfonsally think mmr can make it worse. So I too will be having my daughter vaccinated singly.
I believe that they r connected but the government will never confirim it as it would be too costly. It doesn't effect every child but it does "bring" it out in some children.
I have heard from a few doctors that "off the record" would not give their own children the mmr but went for single vaccines! Enough said for me! But it is personal preference!
I strongly believe there is a connection as my son who is now 11 yrs old and been recently diagnosed with autism,was a very happy outgoing baby up until he had the MMR jab at 18 mths old.
Don't worry about it. It's just the timing when the drug is given. It's when the child is developing the most, and as autism is a developmental disordered, the appearance and the time of injection is just a fluke! x
Hi all, I have been told you can't get single vaccines for mumps, only measles and rubella .. is this correct?
I am really panicking about the MMR . My baby is 1 today.
Autism isn't caused by an injection, people are born autistic it isnt a disease you can catch. As Ails95 said it is a developmental disorder and the MMR happens to coincide with important developmental stages, where it becomes apparent everything isnt as normal.
Oh please!! There is NO link between vaccines and Autism, please do what your GP says, give her the vaccines, and stop listening to criminals!