I read on a website that exposure to diesel (traffic) fumes on the way to school can give primary school children autism. We live in a busy built-up area and I am worried about my grand-childrens' constant exposure to traffic fumes.
Can primary school children catch autism fr... - Autism Support
Can primary school children catch autism from diesel fumes on their way to school?

The jury is out on possible causes for the spectrum disorders. The favourite suspect is the usual suspect of vaccines. I'm sure any substance ingested, injected or inhaled is bound to affect the body and the brain. I have not heard of any reports about diesel fumes. But you really should try your own research, starting with Google? The term "catching" autism is a little bit unfortunate. A spectrum condition is not a disease. It's a disorder. And cannot be caught. But you are correct to say it can be inflicted by our environment. I have eight children and nine grand children. So 16 don't have ASD. But one is now under examination for a spectrum disorder. The point you raise Andy, is so important. My Grandson should be part of an on-going research programme funded by the government. But that is impossible because it takes up to 18 months to be assessed. How can there be studies done without children who are suspected of being in the spectrum?
Yes, autism can be caused my traffic fumes. BUT this ONLY happens to primary school children and ONLY when they are walking to PRIMARY school. not secondary, it must be PRIMARY school
No, exposure to diesel fumes (I assume you mean exhaust from diesel engines) on the way to primary school cannot cause autism. Firstly, if a child has autism it will have begun before they start primary school. Secondly, autism is not caused by environmental factors (such as fumes) after birth, although environmental factors during pregnancy may play some role.
Diesel exhaust is not exactly good for people of any age, however. It is very bad for the lungs especially, although changes in the last couple of decades to emissions standards (rules on how polluting vehicles sold new, and vehicles passing their MOT, can be) have greatly reduced this. The only thing in fumes that was capable of causing any kind of developmental, neurological or mental harm was lead from something called TEL in leaded petrol, but that didn't cause autism, and has been phased out
It has been conclusively established that autism is not caused by Thiomersal, nor by MMR.