Hello my name is Lucy. I am 24 and I am diagnosed with high functioning autism, Tourettes, OCD and ADHD. I also have seizures which as of yet are undiagnosed. My autism affects me in a number of ways in particular with sensory, motor coordination, the obvious communication/social interaction difficulties and an intense hatred of change. I would like to say there was a positive side to having autism but for me there isn't, unless you count drawing and photographing 1960's tower blocks, but although that is impressive, it's hardly going to get me a career in architecture! Even if it did, I would be very unpopular!
I am involved with a local charity, autism Bedfordshire who's main focus is on people with high functioning autism, as those with autism and learning disability are much better funded for in this area. I go on college courses, meet new friends at social groups and I am currently involved in a film project about autism. Aside from dodgy looking buildings (I like the symmetry), I also love animals, in particular rabbits. I own two pet rabbits called Ralph and Lorenne (there is a joke in their names), one is a black and white lionhead/Dutch x and the other is a Himalayan/lionhead x although she doesn't seem to have much lionhead in her.
I also write a regular blog about specific subjects to do with autism. Well I say regular, it was until I lost internet connection for three months! It should be more regular from now on! If anyone is interested it is here:
I am writing that one quite clinically, whereas I will probably talk more about my day to day life on blogs here. I am also a member of the Tourettes action and OCD UK communities.