hey, I was wondering if anyone could give me advice on how to bring up getting tested for autism to my mum and dad? I'm fifteen, my parents are very friendly but i don't know how to put this forward to them without coming off as silly. Any ideas?
Bringing up testing: hey, I was wondering if... - Autism Support
Bringing up testing
Explain to your parents you are having problems, I am sure they love you and will take you to your GP.
If you feel you can't talk to them there are usually nurses who visit schools and they have a confidential listening advise service. Another option is to approach your Guidance teacher at school. Tell them your issues and then they could approach your parents. They will probably look at the issues you are having in school , they don't even have to mention you approached them.
Hope this helps. You must talk to someone you feel relaxed and can open up to.
Good luck.
Maybe show them your previous post on here and the responses you got.
Show them the results of the AQ test (if you took it) and explain what they mean.
It's hard to give advice without actually knowing your parents but I'm sure they will want to know reasons why you want to go through with a diagnosis.
You could try contacting the National Autistic Society for advice on how to approach your parents. They have dedicated telephone or email helplines and it's completely confidential.
Also, if you're not sure about how to broach the subject verbally you could put it in writing! My son (who has high functioning autism, similar to Asperger Syndrome) sometimes uses this strategy to fully explain a subject he wants to discuss with us. That way, he can get his whole point across, in one go, with no distracting interruptions. It sounds a little strange I know but it's a good way of getting thoughts out of his head and starting off a discussion.
Good luck!
I would say-- write them a lovely letter explaining to them how you have done a lot of research and the reason you need to know. My husband, whom I believe is a high functioning Ausbergers, and I do our best communication this way. You could even print up some of the symptoms and check the ones you think you have. Your life is yours and it is important you know what roadblocks or future opportunities might be ahead. Remember some of our world's best contributing men and women are or were autistic. Good luck to you honey. Also it is important to know there is a huge range on the scale of AS or Austism.
Please google this my dear, you are not alone and probably blessed in many ways. google: google.com/search?q=famous+...
Easy ask your doctor yourself you need a asq50 test