Hi my partner attended a special needs school as he was diagnosed with global developement delay when he was a child. He was never told by his parents why he went to a special needs school so now being an adult aged 24 he went to the doctors to ask for his full medical history notes. which is when he realised he had gdd. He also has lots of traits of autism hes very quiet, can't communicate with people very well, Finds certain situations difficult, Has mood swings and lots of other traits. So i spoke to him and he decided he wanted to have a test of some sort to get a diagnosis to see if he had autism. So i went along to the g.p to ask. I asked the doctor if there were any tests he could have and if he could be diagnosed as an adult with autism i also asked for a memory test of some sort as his memory is terrible. My doctor said there is no test he could have and an adult cannot be diagnosed with autism if they weren't diagnosed with it as a child which i found hard to believe. She then said everyone has traits of autism. I then came home and looked online to see if this is true and can see that you can clearly have a test done and be diagnosed with autism as an adult. Im not sure what to do next as i feel like gong back to her and asking her why she is lieing.
Does anybody else know of any other way we can have a test done as this is affecting his everyday life and he cannot get work because of his lack of communication skills.
Thank you Josie