Does anyone have a child with Friedrich's around... - Ataxia UK
Does anyone have a child with Friedrich's around 11 years old?

We have a 5 year old diagnosed this year. Is this new to you or have you known a while?
My 14 year old granddaughter is in denial. Doesn't want contact with other (Friedricks) Ataxians -
wants to be seen as normal. (She was diagnosed on her 13th birthday in 2011)
Our daughter refuses to speak about her FA with children she has know since she was small however has spoken about it in a roundabout way when choosing a charity for her new high school to support.
hey im 26 so bit older but when i was diagnosed i didnt tell any of my lifelong friends. it was confusion on my part and not wanting to be different. i was diagnosed at 13 but hid it till i was 18 when i started using a wheelchair part time - thanks to falling and breaking my ankle. when i was diagnsed anger was a big thing for me and blameing my parents, it sounds horrible but its true i ws angry at those who caused it, frustrated with my own body and envious of my riends doing stuff i cant. hope that helps message me if i can be anyhelp - im working tomorrow so there maybe a delay with replying x
Thanks for the heads's hard second guessing what she's thinking & what makes her tick particularly when school are reporting that she is behaving in ways that aren't usual for her...I guess it's a mix of frustration & her head being full of "stuff"! The odd bit is that she is happy to be seen in her wheelchair at school & at events like wheelchair basketball but not by her oldest friend!