Just wondering if we have a lower immunue system... - Ataxia UK
Just wondering if we have a lower immunue system with CA?

I could be wrong but I do not think that our immune system is lower. I think if we get bugs they are harder to shift. You want to keep your lungs etc.. in the best possible condition. I think it is a good idea to have a flu jab : )
Thank you for your reply. I do my best to keep healthy apart from being a bit overweight but usually coughs & colds I can fight off but this one I have at the moment is awful. I just cant shake it off. I can have the flu jab as have an allergy to eggs. Wendy xxx
Hi Wendygirl I think only your GP or consultant will be able to answer this but there are quite a lot oof coughs and colds around and in many cases they seem to last a long time
Have a happy new year Ted
I have had a miserable cough/ cold, it lasted 5 weeks!! I seemed to reinfect myself every week. Never mind better now. cheers
When I was first diagnosed with CA, it seemed I had no apparent problems. My grandson was born and we moved, I continually had bad colds which I couldn`t shake off.
I read an article about `echinaccea`. I started to take one every night.
I still get colds but they don`t seem as bad as during that period.
IMaybe I was very run down. I don`t know, Either way I still take 1 pill of echinaccea each day.
Hi Alan, Echinacea is great for preventing colds if taken at the very first sign of a sniffle. However, I just read the information sheet that came with mine and it says it can cause auto immune disease and disseminated encephalitis. It's thought that it was encephalitis that put me in intensive care for 4 days over last Xmas and led to me developing ataxia. There might or might not be a link, but it's food for thought!
When I was first diagnosed with CA, it seemed I had no apparent problems. My grandson was born and we moved, I continually had bad colds which I couldn`t shake off.
I read an article about `echinaccea`. I started to take one every night.
I still get colds but they don`t seem as bad as during that period.
Maybe I was very run down. I don`t know, Either way I still take 1 pill of echinaccea each day.
Since I developed CA 6 year ago, the doctors said I had an overactive immune system and it was attacking itself. I now take tablets which suppress my immune system. I get the flu jab every year and I dont seem to suffer from couchs and colds, but keep away from people who have them. Through taking the tablets my condition has become stable.
My mother,sister and one of her sons have got psoriasis which I believe is an auto immune thingy as well as being herditary.I have CA,no Psoriasis,but father got Parkinsons at 50 and died at 65.I have got cerbellar degeneration with my CA.Think with some of you the cause may be auto immune but the symptoms are similar.
I had the flu jab for the first time ever this year. My husband succumbed to flu
just after Christmas and I took great delight in telling him he should have had
the flu jab. For 3 days I have only been able to squeak due to flu symptoms!