Hi everyone another question does anyone have the feeling of falling backwards. I have to use a rollator inside and out but over the last 6 months or so when standing up straight i get a feeling im falling backwards. When stood at the sink I have to lean forward to stop the feeling of falling. Also my son is down visiting us and he says I can walk unaided if I don’t think about my ataxia. Anyone else forgotten about their ataxia and been able to walk.
Help again: Hi everyone another question does... - Ataxia UK
Help again

Definitely.. backwards and to one side. I even get this feeling sitting down sometimes. This is why rollators are safer than zimmer frames. It's difficult to maintain posture whilst leaning forward at the hip to maintain balance. My neurophysio recommends exercising glutes and core. X
Hi no it's not just you I'm 55 and was diagnosed with sca 48 back in 2006. I do loads of core work and balance, leg strengthening and cardio every day, over an hour and I still have the tendancy to do this. It comes from our gait/stance. I walk with too much emphasis putting too much weight on the heels which is the main cause. I have had several sessions of physio over the years and they try to help you walk properly, but it feels so alien and when trying to achieve it I found it takes too much concentration and I end up loosing my balance because of it. So I just try to get on with it.
yes absolutely, especially when standing from sitting. I use rollators both inside and outside the house, but I do try to walk unaided in my own home (walls, door frames and tables come in handy!) but wouldn't attempt to walk unaided anywhere else. My OT issued me with a perching stool for using in the kitchen, might help you too x
falling backwards is a part of ataxia feels a bit like always being o a boat unfortunately but the rollator will keep you safer it does for me
I agree with others keep your core as strong as possible and keep moving
Good luck 💕💕
Thanks your comments make me feel so much better feel reassured it’s not just me. What exercises do you recommend for your core? Xx
Chair Pilates and I’ve gone for swimming (although I find the co ordination more challenging) take my rollator to pool steps. I still go to my swim coach and have personal trainer for weights and gym cos not safe for me to go around a gym by myself . I find it all helps whatever you enjoy. For example I still go sea swimming holding hands and not changing 😀💕
that’s brilliant xx
I am so pleased that you have mentioned this as I feel like this too. I have managed to keep walking with a 4 wheeled trolley with trays to transport meals etc. indoors and do not go out at all but have found recently everything has deteriorated,speech,balance and dexterity since my husband had a stoke last year. I am nearly 87 he is 92 and is in a wheelchair.Try to keep walking as long as you can but take great care.
Thank you so much for your msg,your condition sounds very much like mine. I’m 62 am so sorry you dont get out. I have a mobility car and only go out to sit in the car. Occasionally I can manage a wee walk around a shop but only occasionally. My mum had a stroke last year she’s in Sheffield me St Andrews, only been to see her once ( she’s 90) cos I can’t manage.travelling. You take care of yourself and nice to chat xx
Thank you for replying.Only ataxians know and understand how we feel although of course it’s the same with any condition but it is comforting to know we have this forum. So sorry to hear about your Mum,I hope it hasn’t affected her too much. Best wishes.
Thanks for replying again, I totally agree only ataxians know how we feel. I love this forum because I always get lovely replies. Mum is now in a care home going to see her next week I think this will be the last time you know how hard it’ll be. But I’ve got to give it a go. Will let you know how I get on. Take care xx
My physio worked out that if you walk like pushing pedals on a bike your gait will improve. Works especially well when I walk down slopes
Hi i do yes wierd illness this Ataxie i ve aso started to shake a lot Good luck x