Any suggestions to relax leg stiffness? It’s bad enough having leg weakness and hideous balance issues, but having legs like 2 concrete posts makes things so much worse! Stress brings it on, but it is there spontaneously too!
Leg Stiffness : Any suggestions to relax leg... - Ataxia UK
Leg Stiffness

Are you attending Shefield or one of the other Ataxia centres? If so, contact them, they can probably help. I take medication for similar but not the same but in the past found magnesium gel helped but really, a GP or consultant needs to know why this is happening. It might not even be ataxia? As a layperson. I cannot say. You need specialist advice.
Based on symptoms, Ataxia has been diagnosed. I am with Sheffield. I also have hummingbird like intention tremors!
What does that mean- hummingbird intentions tremors? You could contact Sheffield and they are well placed to advise or prescribe medication, if Ataxia is what is causing the problem. Not all pains in the leg are ataxia. Even if you have ataxia!
Have you ever seen how quickly the wing of a hummingbird moves? I can’t eat or drink by myself. I can’t write. Brushing my teeth is a nightmare. If I had 5 minutes to fold a piece of paper and put it in an envelope, I couldn’t do it. I have no pain.
I have similar issues and use an Electrical Muscle Stimulator (Compex Unit SP8.0) on my calves and shins to pulse the muscles and get them moving again. Relieves the cramps and gets the muscles moving again.
Definitely speak to your Neurologist about this…for peace of mind. You need to know why this happening..and what can be done about it.
I suffer the same and plan to speak to my neurologist in Sheffield about it next month. The pain and stiffness in my legs makes the balance so much worse.
Please please please don't give into the various things Ataxia throws at you. Each week I have something new to deal with c/o this 'lovely' desease but I still go swimming three times a week and do my mile and a half half. I swear this pushes the many symptoms of Ataxia that keep arriving to a more manageable place! If you are new to swimming the secret is to build up the number of lengths bit by bit. It does work!
I have used a static exercise bike in my garage for years (every other day as every day leaves me weak). This means general exercise and using my legs as well (at a level I can achieve) . I still have pain, cramps, stiffness and balance issues but at least keeps me 'optimum' during my delcine / progression. I have a Decathlon static bike which meets my needs. I am regular at Sheffield.