Does anybody have stiffness & spasms in their feet, I was diagnosed with plantar facillitis ( don't know if I have spelt it right )? my feet haven't dropped, I'm quite flat footed. At night it goes rigid underneath & all the massaging in the world doesn't release it. The only thing that seems to help is taking baclofen if I don't I can't sleep it doesn't happen too much, about once every two weeks. Has anyone got any tips?
foot pain & stiffness. : Does anybody have... - Ataxia UK
foot pain & stiffness.

I use a vibropate for my exercise every morning and this seems to help my feet. I took bacloven for a year or so but it made me very sleepy. I have pregabalin now and magnesium before bed. X
I take magnesium not heard of preglabalin, will discuss it with the neurologist as I really don't like the dosiness that I get with baclofen.
I get foot cramp, usually in the evening if I try and exercise - not sure what that’s about? And I sometimes get restless legs when I’m about to go to sleep. This makes my legs/feet feel strange and move involuntarily. Not sure if this is restless legs or not, I just assume it is.
I find that rubbing magnesium cream on them before I go to bed helps. And a couple of times I’ve woken up during the night and it’s started happening, but when I’ve got up and put the cream on it’s helped.
Are you on any B12?
Vitamin B12 drops, sublinguals or injections may help this
As long as vitamin D levels are good
Take vitamin D tablets ,& I think I have some B12 tablets somewhere! I 'love give it a try. Thanks ☺
Excessive Vitamin D will cause cramps, please see a doctor before self diagnosing
Yes, very stiff feet, and ankles! I’m also flat footed and read recently that walking barefoot even round house is not helpful, going to get some of those arch insoles and put in my slippers as well! Not that it will solve everything, but with me it’s up and down stairs that’s the worst, like my feet / ankles are too stiff to go through the action of stepping ( if that makes sense). Look like a penguin when I walk at best of times!

Makes perfect sense to me, I probably look a bit like a penguin too, with a bum sticking out dearly holding on
Yes my feet are not good I have slight foot drop, a floppy toe, stiff ankles, restless leg syndrome and weakness. If I get to many spasms I take diazepam and I find slightly rising them can help.
Have you thought about peripheral neuropathy. My feet used to feel like I was wearing very tight socks all the time, even with bare feet.This was not formally diagnosed but the soles of my feet would really hurt if I trod on anything too. Once had a cramp in my leg that lasted for about 3 days, that was very painful.
Now since gluten free, these symptoms are very slowly subsiding. Feet feel somehow more normal. Am able to wiggle toes again.
Ask your doctor or neurologist if they know.
I use an orthotic boot at night. Stops foot cramping
Hi Carol, I get foot spasms, I find the only thing I find to cure it, is a soak in a hot bath with Radox, but if you don’t have a bath, maybe fill a bowl with hot water?
Buy some Masons Dog Oil, on ebay, it comes in 100g yellow pots, it comes in a vaseline type texture, rub it in liberally to you feet before going to bed, but rub it well in, I use it for my arthritic knees, and get a pain free nights sleep! 🙂👍🌈