Researchers from King’s College London, software developers, and a group of people living with long-term conditions have co-designed a new intervention to help individuals manage low mood and depressive symptoms. KCL are recruiting adults living with any long-term physical health condition(s), including ataxias, to test out their new peer support and self-help resources platform. They want to investigate what people think of the platform they have co-produced with people with lived experience, and how it compares to existing NHS “Mental Health” webpages.
If you take part, you will complete two eligibility screenings, separated by a wait period while the researchers recruit other people for the peer community. You will then be randomly assigned to either have three months of access to the online peer support platform or to be part of our control group accessing the NHS webpages. You will complete questionnaires at the beginning, middle, and end of the three months. For more information on taking part, visit or contact Dr Grace Lavelle and Hannah Grace Jones by emailing
Researchers at King’s College London are recruiting participants for a remote study on online peer support for those living with long-term conditions, including ataxias.