Dear All
We understand completely, the frustration at having to wait for science to take its course before treatments and cures become available.
However, the long term safety and efficacy has not yet been proven for either Cabaletta (trehalose) or Niagen (nicotinamide riboside) so we CANNOT recommend people with ataxia take these. But we are aware of the research that is currently going on and the researchers have been in touch with us, including some of them attending our last International Scientific Research Conference in 2015.
Researchers are testing the effect of various supplements in a number of ataxias and there are a number of examples in Friedreich’s ataxia (eg: Vitamin B12, Vitamin B3, CoQ10). In this case, as mentioned Bioblast is testing the effect of trehalose in SCA3 with some initial encouraging results but we do still need to wait to get results on SAFETY and efficacy. It is VERY DANGEROUS to start taking any sort of medication before the safety is proven - even supplements!
You can find a little more information on Ataxia UK's website, where we have a blog on the trehalose research
Sorry to be a bit of a damp squib - but we have to tell it how it is.