I am 47 with Ataxia spinocerebellar sca 2. I would like to know if there are some vitamins could help me ? Thank you
Sca 2 Vitamins /suplements: I am 47 with Ataxia... - Ataxia UK
Sca 2 Vitamins /suplements

I was told all thé vitamine Bs and oméga 3Someone mentioned V K good luck .x
🙂 Click on the link..and scroll down to see advice about vitamins
Hi sorry i ve clicked on link and cant find anything on vitamines in fact i dont get anything at all ! Could you write briefly what we could take ? Thankyou
🙂 Click on the link..
It takes you to another page where you are asked to click on the link if you want to continue..Click on this link
You need to scroll down the link..page 3 of 4
The link is to ATAXIA DIET..but scroll down
Sorry i must be daft and cant find anything
🙂 I just copied this from the link..it is easier to read if you can log on yourself
Vitamin B-12
100-400 mcg/day
Vitamin B12 malabsorption and vitamin B12 deficiency are more common in older adults.
Vitamin C
500-1,000 mg/day
Some people find sodium ascorbate and calcium ascorbate less irritating to the gastrointestinal tract than ascorbic acid.
Vitamin D-3
2,000 IU/day (50 mcg)
Vitamin D is required for optimal calcium absorption. Obesity tends to reduce bioavailability of vitamin D. Aging also tends to reduce the capacity to synthesize vitamin D. Staying indoors or the regular use of sunscreen blocks vitamin D synthesis.
Vitamin E
200 IU/d
Total sources should not exceed 400 IU/d
Vitamin K
Women: 90mcg /day; Men: 120 mcg/day
Adequate intake (AI) of vitamin K is essential in maintaining bone health.
1,200 mg/day
Adequate intake (AI) from all sources for both Males/Females over50.To maximize absorption,take no more than 500 mg of elemental calcium at one time. Most calcium supplements should be taken with meals, although calcium citrate and calcium citrate malate can be taken anytime. 400 IU/d of D-3 will help insure calcium absorption.
Coenzyme Q-10
100-200 mg/day
CoenzymeQ10 is fat-soluble and is bestabsorbedwith
fats in a meal. Women who are pregnant or breast feeding should not take CoQ 10.
Magnesium (Mg)
100 mg/day
The metabolism of carbohydrates and fats to produce energy in the body requires numerous magnesium dependent chemical reactions. Mg may also be helpful for muscle cramps. Mg is best absorbed in aspartate or glutamate amino acid chelated form or alternatively in glutamate or lactate salts form. Mg oxide is less well absorbed.
Omega-3,6, 9
2,000 mg/day
Omega 3 (ALA, EPA, and DHA), 6 (GLA, linoleic acid), 9 Fatty Acids. These fatty acids require adequate Vitamin E.
Glucosamine sulfate only. Not glucosamine HCl or with Chondroitin sulfate. Take only after discussing with your physician
1,500 mg/day for relief or arthritis pain only in some patients
Three months of treatment is a sufficient period for the evaluation of efficacy; if there is no clinically significant decrease in osteoarthritic pain by this time the supplements should be discontinued. There is no evidence that glucosamine sulfate prevents osteoarthritis in healthy
persons or in persons with knee pain but normal radiographs. Avoid if allergic to shellfish!
Eat fresh vegetables and fruits daily
Flavonoids may provide some neuroprotective benefits by helping to reduce inflammation in the body. Resveratrol in red wine also helps with inflammation. Drinking two glasses of chocolate skim milk/day may also help according to recent research from Spain.
Thankyou very much In 2019 i was having v B12 injections ans felt great but the dr stoped it
I m seeing my neurologue at thé end of feb
I will tryto copie all this info
I ve sent it to me in my e mail and hope i can share with her
🤔It’s interesting that you had improvement after B12 injections
Patients who are deficient in Vitamin B12 can sometimes have similar symptoms to Freidreich’s ataxia, hence it is important to test Vitamin B12 levels. This condition can be treated with Vitamin B12 supplements152. If a patient is diagnosed with ataxia with Vitamin B12 deficiency they should be referred to a haemotologist, who will administer treatment. Depending on severity of symptoms treatment can be parenteral or oral with cyanocobalamin or hydroxocobalamin. RecommendationsGrade1.Patients diagnosed with ataxia and Vitamin B12 deficiency should be treated with Vitamin B12.GPP
Copied from
Thank you so much
have you tried Wellwoman vitamins? I take them and my husband takes Wellman, we really like them and they are inexpensive.