A few days ago I had a text from my GP surgery outlining everything you would wish to know about their service including a profile of all the eight GPs in the practice with their qualifications and special interests. Interestingly their interests ranged from cardiovascular, mental health, to gynaecology and palliative care and five of them stated paediatrics as a special interest. Not one of them mentioned neurological conditions which is disappointing to say the least for all those suffering from all manor of disabilities including Parkinson’s, MS and of course Ataxia.
GP support ?!!?: A few days ago I had a text from... - Ataxia UK
GP support ?!!?

That is disappointing. I asked if any of our GOs had a special interest in neurological conditions and they also said nor 😢
Some time ago I asked if any of the GPs at my surgery had an interest in neurological. None.Also did any know about autoimmune, and yes, all. Why is it then that I have been told by all GPs that "Ataxia is a very rare condition, and I do not know"!!!
Having supplied them with Medical Guidelines, both short and long versions, which I doubt very much were not even opened. Then I think this is a cop out answer. More like they can't be bothered. Ataxia does not allow for the tick on the boxes!
The practice has now been put into special measures, things should be improving but they are not. It is a source of worry as there is zero primal care support.
Hey ho, should have diabetes or high blood pressure. They tick the boxes!!!!
what is good, some wld get more acquainted with all the services, depending on your biggest complaint re ataxia it can be speech therapy, physios.nobody can know all.but somehow one of my 3gps showed it, esp.when deciding who is my main...your neurologist ought to know most, more than a gp. as he/she a spcialist.