I've got ataxia also taking HRT suffering whit belly pain and lots of burping wonder if its connected
Does ataxia cause digestive pr: I've got ataxia... - Ataxia UK
Does ataxia cause digestive pr

Hi Tazwaz,
I'm not familiar with HRT, but I do have cerebellar ataxia and for many years I have also had digestive issues.
Have you spoken to any medical professionals about it? After speaking to a speech and language therapist, I have found changing my diet has helped - not just what I eat, but when I eat, how much, how often etc.
Ok thankyou
Its also worth mentioning, for several years I have been taking Omeprazole each morning (nhs.uk/medicines/omeprazole/). I believe this is something your GP can prescribe, should it be suitable for you.
Recently, I have started taking ~10ml of Gaviscon Advanced each evening too - this really helped with heartburn, stomach pain, burping/hiccups etc
I experience digestive problems also but haven't noticed anything enabling me to connect them with my ataxia. I find that a little bi-carb at night does the trick.
Earlier this year I had a videofluoscopy (nhs.uk/conditions/swallowin... and it showed food basically travels slowly down my oesophagus - in my head, I put that down to my ataxia (muscles doing things slowly or uncoordinated). I've been referred to Gastroenterology for further investigation, to see if it's unrelated to my ataxia, and/or what can be done about it.
i've noticed that i've developed quite a few allergies since my ataxia diagnosis. i'm not sure how much it's connected.
I have acquired atxia, 12 years. I too suffer digestive problems. I put it down to atxia and the reduction in exercise which came about as a result. An admittedly poor diet for periods of the pandemic is also a factor.
Hi Tazwaz, Yes I have this problem too and I am often taking gaviscon etc. I think it is related to ataxia, in my own opinion. I would see your doctor for help with it.Suzie
Seek medical advice, can be many causes of pain. Blog is not the place