This posting is hard and very embaressing for me,
I have cerebellar Ataxia, when i notice changes in how my body works i can normally decide whether its a progression in the ataxia or if it is something else ( i may not be right but at least i can explain it.............. Does anyone know what i'm on about? Not sure i do LOL)
A few weeks ago i noticed that after having visited the loo to empty my bladder upon waking in the morning (like most people)
Within a few minutes of having finished i'd get an uncontrollable urge to do a No2/open my bowels.
When i get that urge to go..... I really need to go, At first i thought i'd picked up a bug and had diarrhoea because it was loose but it would then firm up during the day and not be a worry.
As i said its been going on for weeks now and I KNOW its not diarrhoea as such but its coming on almost every day now and is really bothering me as it comes on so suddenly (i've had many near accidents) during the day too but mainly the morning.
I am 46 yrs old and the thought of becoming incontinent horrifies me, Can anyone relate to similar symptoms in Ataxia?I cant talk to my GP about certain things because i know he's not very knowledgeable where ataxia is concerned, I have written to my consultant about it but i dont expect a speedy reply.
Thankyou for reading this and if anyone can shed any light/ideas on this i'd be very grateful.