Does anyone remember the good old days when we turned on the radio or TV to see or listen to the news?!?
Well these days my wife and I turn it OFF when it comes on!,!
Does anyone else do the same? Happy days. Ha. Ha. Ha
Does anyone remember the good old days when we turned on the radio or TV to see or listen to the news?!?
Well these days my wife and I turn it OFF when it comes on!,!
Does anyone else do the same? Happy days. Ha. Ha. Ha
I want brexit Ted, but fed up with hearing about it, fed up with hearing polititions stabbing each others in the back on the run up to the general election(Excuse my mention of politics,folks) want it over and done with!🤨
Yep, sometimes I go weeks without watching the news.
But I will be watching it Friday morning!!! To see the election results