I have often wondered wheather I would be able to balance on a push bike. My daughter has a horse and I thought it would be good exercise for me to follow her on some of her rides out. Could people share there experiences please, I’d love to give it a go but I’m scared of falling and hurting myself x
Bike rides as exercise-experiences please. - Ataxia UK
Bike rides as exercise-experiences please.

Hi EmWakie,
I use a hand cycle as I can't balance on a push bike. I go for monthly sessions and really enjoy it. Perhaps something you could look into x
Hi, like you I have SCA3.
Staggering around while walking means I go out for walks less and less. But cycling for me allows me to step back into the world of normality! I cycle regularly during the spring/summer months (never in icy conditions) and I avoid cycling on busy roads, mainly using off road cycle tracks.... but while on the bike my balance is much better than when walking!! Only when I have to stop and put my feet on the ground again to perhaps open a gate into a grazing area do I feel slightly vulnerable, but you learn to adapt accordingly.
So my suggestion is to definitely give it a go and find routes that don't involve too many instances where you are not actively cycling. Cycling for me is a big positive and has become my number one pastime. Not to mention the obvious health benefits.
Embrace it...otherwise you'll never know!!!
P.S. The balance on my bike has not been the problem. However, fatigue and tiredness was starting to tell on the way home. So this year I have invested in an e-bike which allows me to switch on a small amount of battery assisted pedalling if required when cycling up slopes. Brilliant concept and has allowed me to cycle for longer periods.
Best Wishes
Thanks, I think I will have to give it a go. I guess I will regret not trying x
You could also consider trikes or recumbent bikes .
There are some cycling groups esp for disabled that would give you the opportunity to try different types of cycles . Definitely worth a try esp before splashing out on an expensive bike / trike .
All the very best ,
God bless
Hi Tony, our experiences sound identical. I have aquired ataxia through illness.
When I got out of hospital I waited for a couple of weeks, until my wife wasn't around and tried my bike. I had been a fanatical cyclist and really worried that I wouldn't be able to ride again. I needn't have worried though as I actually have better balance on my bike-can't walk in a straight line- and the exercise does wonders for the core muscles. The only problem I have though, is my bike is featherweight and stopping to unclip my feet from the pedals and get off is now much more difficult than it was even 3 years ago. Fatigue, like you say is a problem on the way home from a 50 mile ride with my club, especially as I used to easily ride 300 mile per week before I got ill.
It depends what your balance is like. If you have problems walking then your definitely going to have then riding a bike! I tried to ride our gym bike but couldn’t even get the peddles to go In the direction they should so I’d av no chance on a real push bike!
I was able to ride a bike without training wheels or any other assistance since I was 3 years old but when my ataxia started more than 10 years ago I had to stop. I was a danger on the road and now I can't even get on a bike anymore. Ataxia is different for everybody.
I can still ride a horse but cannot get on or off.
Horses get a bit nervous when someone has to hoist you on
A trike is very expensive and if you live in the country side there are no bicycle paths.
I have an exercycle.
I cannot cycle at all now but we have attached my bicycle to an exercise stand so at least I can use it every now and then, for exercise, getting the heart rate up and for as little as I want.
I am now 70 years old, and I firmly believe in exercise to slowdown any effect of Ataxia , although in the past I have done quite a lot of running although I no longer run I am still able to go to the gym 2/3 times a week and I cycle a couple of times a week, and I find the cycling is absolutely brilliant for my balance . Hope you find it the same.
Good luck.
Try a trike and RDA are fabulous...o use a floor cycle which I can use on my arms when put on table.
Hi like tony I ride my bike the only issue I have is getting on /off but holding on to trees and my husband helps me. The freedom and serenity is quite liberating for me anyway.xx
Some horses do not like things behind them. The gyroscopic effect of the wheels will aid your balance on a bicycle. Remove all balance issues use a trike. And use an electric bike. Electric assistance can be switched off. As yet not found anyone who hires trikes.
I gave up riding my two wheeler last year after going off the road into the bushes. I found that I could balance, but if anyone was riding toward me on a path, I would have to concentrate to stay on my side of the path. I bought a recumbent trike (icetrikes.co) and LOVE it. I can ride and enjoy the countryside without concentrating on balancing! It is great exercise. I’m not sure what type of terrain you would be riding on, but they come with larger tires if needed. Good luck with your decision!
I have SCA3, live in Sweden. Cannot ridr a bike due to instability, so when I walk my dog I take my 4wheeled scooter. Not much energy consumption but at least I get out. I also do horse riding, disabled level nowadays!
Try a trike? Or a 3 wheeled bike? /Sofie