Has anyone tried CBD oil if so did it help.Also does anyone have treatment at national hospital of neurology,Queens square London. For Ataxia
CBD OIL: Has anyone tried CBD oil if so did it... - Ataxia UK
Hello! I’m Jenna and I have Friedreich’s ataxia. I’m 19 and I’ve been using CBD oil as more of a natural remedy instead of more medication and I feel like it does soothe pain for me for a little while but it also helps with my anxiety.
Thanks what strength is it & do you use drops if so how many.I have stiff & weak legs & balance problems .x
I use CBD oil, just the weakest one from Holland and Barrett I do feel if helps relax my muscles which get stiff, when this bottle runs out I will get the higher strength. I will be interested to see how you get on with it, I haven’t been taking it for long, I hope it works for you 💃🏻
I tried one bottle from Holland & Barrett, and didn’t really notice any difference to symptoms. But, as we all know, everyone’s reaction can be so different 🙂 Maybe a different brand/strength would be better for me 🤔 I’d like something to take the edge of increasing pain and stiffness, without resorting to prescription medication 🙂 xB
I have an appointment to go to Queens square in August. Don't know what to expect.
🙂 My first appointment there is in August (21). Usually all my previous reviews have been in Newcastle, also an Ataxia/Genetics Centre, so I was very surprised to get the appointment in London. My Neurologist didn’t refer me, but she’d sent a blood test off to them. Although the result was negative, they gave me an appointment 😯 I don’t know what to expect either 😯xB
hi did your gp send you or have you booked yourself.I am under sheffield but seem to be getting no where with ataxia so someone has told me how good Queens square hos is.will be interested in how you get on.
After 13 years of little progress with my local neurologist I found queens square to be v helpful. They cant cure you but they do make things happen. Since going I have had loads of investigative tests local physio speech therapy and occupationall therapy. I've also started reviving PIP.