All Ataxia sufferers know that excercise is the single most beneficial thing which we can do to help ourselves. Unfortunately some of us can barely walk let alone run and I envy those who can use a treadmill. I do have a static recliner bile but it takes up quite a lot of room so is not suitable for everyone. All is not lost! It is a well researched fact that If you visualise yourself doing exercise each day it is almost as good for muscles, heart and general well being as if you actually do the excercise. If you want to learn more I recommend you read Dr Joe Dispenza’s book You Are The Placebo. Also find the website I regularly visualise myself doing star jumps, jogging and following an aerobics programme which I used to do at the gym. Good luck
Exercise without out leaving your chair! - Ataxia UK
Exercise without out leaving your chair!
Hi I will try that Dee is getting me an excersize bike I to would excersize regularly I ran in half marathons played in two football teams till I was 32 played golf I still have dreams that I'm playing football ☹️
Something my niece is doing is running classes under the Move it or Lose it franchise, aimed at older and frailer folk. They also produce a dvd of the exercise programme for beginners for around £15, where all the exercises are done from sitting on a chair. I do have the dvd but at the moment am post op and struggling after having been given drugs that have hampered my health. Classes are popping up around the UK for anyone who would like to join in, have a look a their site just to see if it appeals
This is good and chair arobics works wonders for the joints and muscles