Hi everyone
thanks for all the info you have given, in relation to Ataxia, its made me look into certain things, and got the "ball rolling" on things like applying for PIP etc. One thing I am very unsure about, is my job status. I am classed as employed, as I had hernia surgery a couple of weeks ago (so on SSP). what is the best thing going forward? Do I now hand in my notice, as I cannot do my job, or just send in sick notes every 4 weeks, until my boss says enough is enough. I was advised by my social worker to do the former, but my sister who works for a council housing company, told me NOT to do that, as it may be advantageous to any benefit I may get.
So as it stands now, I have handed in a sick note, and applied for PIP . I work for a father and son in the game business, (pheasants/rabbit?venison etc) and do farmers markets for them, but they are doing them now, quite easily .
thanks in advance