Now for those of us who are struggling a bit, myself included today (back and stomach in particular plus my voice which has decided to do a bit of Yodeling practice), so this post is to be about motivation and exercise… so come on stop moaning and listen up.
I’ve just had a little chat with “isabelalfaiate” Isabela to her pals which will include you providing you cheer up. Her last post (not the one played on a Bugle) let everyone know her own progress – it’s worth a re-read guys.
I’m finding using this site to be extremely therapeutic for me – I’ve set myself a personal target of Posting Daily and trying to answer all responses – so now I’m motivated and my hands and mind are getting some great exercise and I’m smiling again without cracking my face… yippee. :-)
I feel rejuvenated… like a big daft kid.
I wonder what my ex colleagues would think of my antics, yeah, I believe they would conclude that “he’s gone mad, quite mad”. They would probably, to a degree, be right.
Speaking for myself and my continuing journey through the mysterious, strange, scary and oft frustrating world of Neurological dysfunction, I haven’t travelled this shitty road without picking up some Psychological Damage.
Of course some medics are, perhaps, a little too quick to pick up on this and decide that all your problems are pycho in origin – my GPs have, for the past 40years, been telling me that your “Depressed“ and that is causing, inevitably, your “Anxiety” which explains why you keep bumping into doors jambs or getting dizzy etc. etc.…
Preconception by some, based on their ignorance of the varying individual symptom manifestations and presentation of different neurological problems and, their understanding of the related complexities involved... phew - well I can understand what I'm trying to say. I'll continue this another day... I've given myself a sore head Lol.
Enough of this I say, it’s too depressing… onward before the morning post becomes the evening post. Joke :-).
I’ll pick up on my journey another day… cos it’s moan & groan time – “The
Daily Joke”
Dealing with Eye Problems:
Doctor, I’m terribly worried!
Neuro Ophthalmologist:
Mmm and why is that?
I keep seeing pink striped crocodiles every time I try to get to sleep or close my eyes. It’s causing me great distress, I’m scared, I feel depressed, I’m always tired because I can’t sleep oh and I keep falling over – help me please, please it's all driving me insane.
Neuro Ophthalmologist:
Ok, calm yourself now, (pass the buck time). Have you seen the Neuropsychiatrist yet?
No Doctor- only the pink striped crocodiles!... Boom Boom :-).
I like that one so I’m giving it another
See Ya & Take Care All… Cubby.
P.S. Don’t forget to have a look at Isabela’s previous post