Picture of... My Favourite Aid
I’m in better fettle this morning folks…
Here I am reclined (bad back & sensitive bum cheeks lol) in front of my computer with a mug of lukewarm tea (anti lip scald measure) wondering what to say that might be of any real interest to you…
Mmm, here wait a minute (it used to be wait a nanosecond but me auld grey matter takes an age processing thoughts these days… sigh).
I’m looking at one of my aids that make my life a tad easier – my Thermal Drinking Mug… Ta Daaa.
Do I hear “What’s he rambling on about now”?
You know, I was forever knocking over my cup when reaching to pick up my drink and even if I succeeded in grasping the cup, without knocking it over, I would, literally, shake the contents everywhere on the way up to my mouth. Talk about embarrassing – I virtually gave up drinking liquids, oooh, that’s not good.
In steps my daughter in law, who happens to be a lovely nursey type lass (a Health Visitor no less) she bought me a gift – a travel mug. I know, some gift, huh… but wait a minute, this is a travel mug with a special talent – you can’t knock it over Ta Raa.
No matter how many times I misjudge my hand approach to grasp it, I can’t knock it over. Once in my grasp it lifts off the table easily and because it’s a travel mug, the contents can’t slop out before or during its wobbly journey to complete the act of guzzling the contents.
Some of you, I’m sure, will already know of this phenomenal piece of kit (or peace of mind lol).
For me, whose hands and arms jerk/ wobble, it is extremely effective in allowing me to drink safely. Getting the drink down my throat is another matter, so don’t be negative.
I know, get on with it… ok.
Introducing the phenomenal drinking aid “MIGHTY MUG” ...
yeah that’s the brand name.
I’m not a shareholder, honest, Google it or check it out on Amazon. They even do a wine glass that can’t be knocked over – it really is quite clever, my Speech Therapist, lovely lass, was well impressed when she saw it in action, so much so, she said she’s going to advise her patients to check it out.
That’s it guys, I’m tired out enthusing about a bloody cup lol.
There’s an idea… I think that my “Mighty Mug” is the Bees Knees (whatever that expression means) so how about ya all contributing to this post by telling us what aid helps you most and why … don’t be shy now.
Bugger it, I was going to rest but wondering where the expression “Bees Knees” comes from has re-vitalised my addled brain so I’ve Googled it for a laugh.
An excerpt from the web:
The bee's knees
Excellent - of the highest quality.
It's difficult to know if we need an etymologist or an entomologist for this one.
Bees carry pollen back to the hive in sacs on their legs. It is tempting to explain this phrase as alluding to the concentrated goodness to be found around a bee's knee, but there's no evidence to support this explanation.
It is also sometimes said to be a corruption of 'business', but there's no evidence to support that either.
'The bee's knees' is one of the phrases that people seem determined to make sense of. But how much sense is there to find?
Nor is there any connection with another earlier phrase, 'a bee's knee'. In the 18th century this was used as a synonym for smallness, but has since disappeared from the language, replaced more recently by the less polite 'gnat's bollock'
Mrs. Townley Ward - Letters, June 1797 in N. & Q.
"It cannot be as big as a bee's knee."
End Quote
Back to me...
Mrs Townley’s comment above is a bit naughty, a lass after my own heart… – here, maybe she’s an Ataxian, she sounds a bit crazy… lol
That’s definitely all for today guys cos my left eye is now closed and refuses to open (my brain thinks that I’m half asleep) Boom Boom... (that will have to suffice as the Daily Joke... sorry.
so as our American cousins would say
“ya all take care and have the best day you can… Cubby.
P.S. Check the state of my keyboard... dust.