This is a question for Harriett (or anyone else who knows).
I've just come across an article, that suggests that a CoQ10 deficiency has been identified in SCA cases where no genetic cause has been identified (me).
As far as I know, my CoQ10 levels were not tested (but they might have been).
The treatment would appear to be no more than taking a supplement of CoQ10.
It does sound like it only helps in early-onset SCA though (not the late-onset flavour that I've got).
My problem is that I am in the south of France at the moment, and just about to head into Spain. Therefore, there is no way I can see my own GP and have my CoQ10 levels tested.
However, the Spanish are very lax about over-the-counter drugs (even ones that are prescription-only in the UK). So I see no problem getting hold of what is essentially a vitamin supplement.
So my idea is to self-medicate with CoQ10 supplements. Is this safe? I've checked, and 2400mg/day seems to be the recommended dose.
You can't overdose on CoQ10 supplements? I'd hate to be strung out on the stuff
From where I'm looking, it seems like there is no downside to trying.