iI was browsing the Internet, and I discover an article advising a daily level of 5000iu/day for vit D. I know, each case shouled be considered individually, but here in Britain it's a very different story. Are we just as well off arming ourselves with a pin?
vit D: iI was browsing the Internet, and I... - Ataxia UK
vit D
Hi scruffycat
There is no evidence that vitamin D is helpful to people with cerebellar ataxia. As such this is why it is not routinely advised to patients with CA in Britain.
Not everything you see on the internet is kosher, nor the papers or the television. One has to keep on looking and to weigh the pros and cons of what you see and using common sense, trial and error. In hindsight all will be revealed!
However conflicting the advice, somethings are useful, some are not, but some things are also down right depressing, so be careful what you use as your basis for your self treatment. (So the motto is:- "You are not alone!") Chin up and carry on!
Well I take vitamin d every day due to the fact my body can't process it, but the worst thing I have known about is my mother in law was a little low on bit d so her doc gave her a jab of it then 10,000 mg to take per day in the end she became toxic and nearly needed her blood cleaned she was very ill, she was layed up in bed for six months she couldn't do anything, for the pure feeling of dizzinessness, confusion, sickness, and the general feeling of feeling unwell which isn't my mother in law, you have to try and keep her still!!!!