Sternum: For the last week or so I've been... - Ataxia UK

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15 Replies

For the last week or so I've been experiencing pain in the Sternum area of my chest everytime I move (i.e. leaning forward in chair or standing).

It is quite painful/uncomfortable when I move.

Does not affect my sleep, but does hurt when getting up off bed, chair etc..

Tried painkillers to no avail :-(

2 week waiting time to see Doctor :-(

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15 Replies
wobblybee profile image

Isn't it ridiculous, 2wks for an appointment!

It's the same situation where I live John, so a couple of weeks ago I waited

to see the practice nurse because it was urgent.

As a result I've been referred to the hospital, and got an appt there on

Thursday this week.

Sometimes, if you do see the nurse practitioner, after her assessment,

you might see a GP. It could put your mind at rest, rather than thinking

things over for another 2wks :-) xB

in reply to wobblybee

I did ring the nurse and after a long talk, she arranged for me to see a Dr on Monday 14th :-)

HarryB profile image

Hi John

From your description above, it sounds muscular to me. Do you just get the pain when you move or does it come on when you are still as well?

2 weeks for a GP appointment is absolutely ridiculous.


in reply to HarryB

Hello Harriet,

Yes it also hurts at times whilst I'm sitting watching TV.

Does not hurt when I take a deep breath though.

HarryB profile image
HarryBAdministrator in reply to

Hi John

I still think it could be muscular or it could be heartburn/indigestion. Your GP is obviously the best and right person to make a full assessment and diagnosis. I would say though just in case it is indigestion stay away from painkillers like ibuprofen or nurofen.


in reply to HarryB

I take meds for ant-acid so your probably right about it being miscular.

I spoke to the nurse via telephone at the surgery today and well to cut a long story very short, the nurse arranged for me to see a Doctor on Monday 14th. :-) sooooo glad

HarryB profile image
HarryBAdministrator in reply to


wobelyjohn profile image

I can top that my medical centre has gone over to visiononline arangeing appointments I asume it is them who are responsable for a mounths wait for a non urgent appointment although urgent ones with the dr wh hapens to be free [pot luck] are allmost instant I checked if it was just my dr but the outher 5 were the same or lonnger, lucerly I aranged a phone conceltation with my gp instead and when he heard he said come in tomorow at 3:15

february profile image

Dear John, So sorry you're having pain in sternum. Having to wait for 2 weeks to see your doctor must be so frustrating! What if you call and say you are in pain and REALLY need to get in sooner, as maybe there will be a cancellation? Healthcare...,it's a "hurry up and wait" situation no matter where you live. I say this because (as you know) I live in the States. I had to cancel my six-month appointment with my neurologist recently, due to a scheduling conflict (it was suppose to be in June). His first available is in...,wait for it..., January, 2015. I did email him and he said if anything urgent comes up, let him know, and he'll double book an appointment. Anyway, I sincerely hope you're able to get in sooner!!! ;o)

in reply to february

Hello again february,

Good news, I spoke to the nurse at the surgery via telephone for quite a while and she has managed to get me an appointment with a Dr for Monday 14th July :-)

I hope your keeping healthy over the pond in the States :-)

wobblybee profile image

Hi John:-)

Unable to log on before now:-)

I'm so pleased you spoke to the nurse, thinking of you:-) xB

in reply to wobblybee

I'll know more after Monday.

I just hope the Dr can understand me, with the slurred speech and all that.

I might make word printout :-)

wobblybee profile image

Well, Monday's arrived :-) I hope you made it to the appointment John:-) xB

february profile image

Dear John, That is good news! Sorry it took me so long to get back to you, as I was out-of-town Friday thru Sunday late evening. It's Monday here across the pond, although it's 2:00 pm compared to 7:00 pm there (5 hour difference). I assume you've been to appointment already, therefore keep us posted on what doctor said when you have time please! Hope you're feeling better now..., ;o)

Sorry for not gettingg back sooner

Cancelde doctors appokntment. Ill all night. Been in bed since then.

Now lost use of one leg.

Swallowign is hardwork vomiting regularly nurse been waiting for tests

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