Stomach Problems: Has anyone have problems with... - Ataxia UK

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Stomach Problems

berejena profile image
12 Replies

Has anyone have problems with their stomach? Most days & nights I experience a number of stomach complaints. I have'nt been to see GP as last time he sent me for a scan and it was all clear? I often feel full, sometimes severe pain, mainly if I lay on my left side, the right is still painful but I can cope with it. I can not go to toilet for a week or more, sometimes I end up taking laxatives to make me go but I know long-term use of these is not good. Berejena

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berejena profile image
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12 Replies
cocoa profile image

Although only diagnosed with ataxia about 5 years ago, I have always had tummy problems and had all the tests and was told it was IBS. Now I realise I have always had many symptoms of ataxia all my life and this seems to be my main one.

When my ataxia is bad, my whole digestive system is out of routine. I take flaxseeds every day to keep me regular and they help a lot. I also drink lots of water and if I feel tummy problems coming on I drink more than usual.

HarryB profile image

Hi berejena

From your description you may have irritable bowel syndrome. If this is the case, any scan would be clear. Having a clear scan does not mean there isn't an underlying problem and that you are making your symptoms up.

Although I mention irritable bowel syndrome, this may not be your diagnosis. Any diagnosis should be made by your GP and not over the internet.

My advice would be to go back to your GP and explain that although you accept your scan is clear, you are still experiencing these symptoms and don't understand what might be causing them. Explain that you suffer bouts of constipation and although helped by laxatives you are concerned about taking these long-term. Ask if the GP have any further ideas about a diagnosis and if so, what is the best way to manage it.

Personally speaking I used to have terrible trouble in that department. I think it is overlooked how distressing and painful constipation can be. I was advised by GP to look at my diet a couple of years ago and have started my day with a bowl of porridge for breakfast ever since. What a difference. Regular bowels and no pain. Bliss!

Best Wishes


berejena profile image
berejena in reply to HarryB

Hi HarryByour advice is really helpful. I'll start eating porridge again, luv it, I'll take some flaxseeds with it. I'll visit GP if symptoms persist. I'm waiting to hear from an Ataxian clinic in Newcastle so I'll mention the problem to them as well.

Keep well


HarryB profile image
HarryBAdministrator in reply to berejena

Hi berejena

I make my porridge with water and mix in a spoonful of maple syrup and a handful of raisins. I swear by it! I hope it helps you as much as it has helped me.

I hope your appointment for Newcastle comes through soon.


berejena profile image
berejena in reply to HarryB

It's in the fridge for tomorrow ha ha


berejena profile image

Thanks for that cocoa, Idrink loads of water and used to take flaxseeds, I'll start again.


cocoa profile image

I also have porridge for breakfast made with water. I also have a few prunes with it every day and to sweeten it a spoonful of St Dalfour apricot jam, which is sugar-free and high in fibre.

Marygate profile image

Dear Berejena

I experienced such severe stomach pains some time ago and my husband called the paramedics and they said it was constipation. I went to see my GP and he has prescribed dicotyle and senna and I've been ok since then. So go and see our GP

Hope you get it sorted


When I first had noticed that I was having probs with Constipation I was prescribed Laxido which helped slightly. I was then advised by dr to buy Wheat bran and sprinkle it on my foodstuffs before consuming. This helped a good deal more but I was still having probs with chest, stomach and bottom of bowel pains. I now take two laxido (movicol) saches and one fibrogel sachet each day in order to keep my bowel movements more regular. I drink plenty of fluids throughout the day too.

tashabmars profile image

I often get random bouts of stomach pain, ive seen a doctor and they are completely unsure what it is. Ive had so many tests done to see if it could be anything else but its not. I suppose were just unlucky!

february profile image

Dear Berejena, I have ataxia, although NOT Gluten Ataxia (blood test was negative). Anyway, I decided to go gluten free, and although my ataxia is the same, I feel much better overall. I eat fresh, organic veggies and fruit, nothing processed. I don't have much dairy (I drink coconut or almond milk), just yogurt, and try to stick with natural sugars, Also, I live in the States, so it may have a different name in your country, but my doctor said for regularity, to use something called Miralax, as it can be used every day..., ;o)

berejena profile image

Thanks everyone who replied, very useful information.

All keep well


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