Just heard on the news that scientists ( in England) have made a significant breakthrough in finding a drug to halt degenerative neurological diseases such as Alzheimers, Parkinsons etc. Wondering if it includes Ataxia. I feel excited about it, it is very promising. Does anyone know anymore about it? Nicky
Is anyone else excited about the breakthrough or... - Ataxia UK
Is anyone else excited about the breakthrough or have I got it wrong?

Hi Nicky!
I heard the same thing! Fingers crossed there's a knock on effect re Cerebellar Ataxia! xB
Hi. They have found some new drug but it will take about 10 years to test and hopefully prove. So we must all be patient
Why I wonder doesn't ataxia get mentioned alongside all the
Other 'head'problems. Any ideas.
| saw the article too.10 years may be too late for me and Mum who died of Alzheimers on August 11th this year.
But I am excited for future sufferers.Waiting to hear something official from Ataxia UK.
For ATAXIA SCA6 my Neurologist says if they could just find the 'gene' & switch it off. It would be "Brilliant"
One day maybe, one day, because you know why?
It's such a wonderful world
Sounds very interesting But if its 10 years off i will be in my 70s if i am still around. Whats really wanted is something that would repair the damage already done to us as well as stopping any further damage. I know its very unlikely but we can hope.
And don't forget the 10 years is an estimate assuming they don't hit any major problems along the way.
Sorry if i am being pessimistic but to me it sounds like one of the health stories you read in the Daily mail. they sound very good until you read at the end of the story that the final product is 10 or 15 years away.