Hi all, i was diagnosed with Ataxia some 12 yrs ago now, no-body in my family has or had it, could i have passed it to my daughters and could they have passed it to my grandchildren ?
How have i got Ataxia ?: Hi all, i was diagnosed... - Ataxia UK
How have i got Ataxia ?
Hello Littlewheels
First of all, do you know what type of Ataxia you have?
My doctor says my notes say Cerrebellar Ataxia thats it.
My son has Cerrebeller Ataxia, DRs say it's caused by a scar in his cerabellum left by another condition he has. It does not affect any other family member and he won't pass it down to any children he may have.
So far no genetic cause for my cerebellar ataxia.
As far as I know, cerebellar ataxia can be caused by loads of different things. If there is a genetic cause it's feasible that it could have been passed on, but it might not have. Can you ask your doctor about the underlying cause of your ataxia?
as far as i know, my doctor doesn't know anything about ataxia.
Hello dear "littlewheels ",
I´m not surprised.!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know, I have been lucky finding a competent neurologist.
who sent me to MRT.
But, there´s quite bit of info at
(sorry about the ads)
Hi littlewheels
Wildone is absolutely correct. There are many different causes of cerebellar ataxia, genetic and non-genetic and some which are just not known, and they are all, if at all, passed on to subsequent generations in different ways.
You might think that not having any family history means that your ataxia is not genetic but this is not always the case. In order to answer your question accurately you would need to know the cause of your ataxia.
When you refer to 'your doctor' above is that your GP or do you see a neurologist as well?
Hi again
My advice would be to ask your GP for a referral to a local neurologist or alternatively ask for a referral to one of the Ataxia Accredited Centres in either London, Oxford, Sheffield or Newcastle-whichever is most convenient to you. The reason for the referral would be to try and ascertain the cause of your cerebellar ataxia. Really only when you know this could an explanation of why you have developed ataxia and whether you could pass it on to your children be given with any certainty. If it helps there are guidelines for both GPs and neurologists on the management of the ataxias which can be downloaded from the Ataxia UK website.
You might think that not having any family history means that your ataxia is not genetic but this is not always the case. In order to answer your question accurately you would need to know the cause of your ataxia.
Harry is right!!!!
In my family : my mother ´s
& my sister´s ataxia is hardly visible = both believe ataxia-sufferers
are males only
furthermore, although my mother´s father had balancing-problems they
are certain that yours truly´´s SCA is NOT genetic
Hi, my name is Michel Beaudet, I'm 50, have FA and live in Quebec, Canada. Do you have Ataxia? Are you member of internaf? If not come join us, International Network of Ataxia Friends is a mailing list for ataxia patients and family/friends which serves as a support group and information exchange vehicle. There's also a website full of info at internaf.org
For info on how to subscribe, go see, internaf.org/network/servic...
We also have a facebook group -> on.fb.me/internaFB
And for Canadians with Hereditary Ataxia we have a Facebook group -> on.fb.me/chataxia
Et pour les Francophones avec une Ataxie Héréditaire Il y a un groupe sur Facebook (FAH) -> on.fb.me/fataxieH
I have CA of unknown cause and I also go to Oxford to see a Neurologist once a year.He cannot find a genetic link so I don't know the cause yet.It's not nice not knowing as it makes it difficult to adapt.
Twenty tears ago I got ataxia following viral encephalitis .
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I was diagnosed with Sporadic Cerebellar Ataxia (non-hereditary?/unknown cause). It's progressive and I have symptoms 24/7. No one in my family, as far back as we know, has/had ataxia, except me. I had genetic testing for the known recessive types of ataxia, which was negative. I may have testing for the known dominant types of ataxia in the future. My juries still out on that, as I've been told (by my neurologist) there's only a 10% chance of a positive result. I have two grown children and two young grandchildren. Of course, I pray they will never have to deal with ataxia... ;o)