My husband is at the moment very poorly, he cannot even get out of the chair without help. He has been on antibiotics for the last three weeks and has been getting side effects.
Very bad headaches, sickness etc.
When we read the leaflet stating the side effects. this is what is listed amongst other things.
Causes breathing problems
Causes loss of appetite
Causes sickness
Causes headaches
Causes blood in stools
Why, oh why are they giving these antibiotics, which cause breathing problems and loss of appetite, to COPD patients who have trouble breathing and have no appetite anyway.
It is doubling up on the illness itself.
A few weeks ago my husband was well enough for me to get him out of the house (albeit reluctantly as he is a miserable so and so at the best of times, you may have read my blog recently about putting my foot down and stop being at his beck and call).
We were able to go out for a meal taking the wheelchair, he could do his exercises at home, we were even going to go out for a get together with our family.
Then the matron visited to give him his 'flu jab.
The day after he was bedridden and has been on antibiotics ever since, like I said he has gone down hill since the 'flu jab, people say it does not affect them as there is no live cultures in it but I honestly believe differently.
I worked for the NHS for 20 years and always had the 'flu jab with no side effects whatsoever. Then the bird 'flu jab was brought out separately, I still had the 'flu jab
but refused the bird 'flu one.
Then they combined the two and I refused to have it, I did not get a cold whatsoever, then when my husband was told he had COPD and he had to have the pneumonia and 'flu jab I still refused to have it, but was talked round by the GP saying it would protect my husband as if I did not have it and got the 'flu I would pass it on to him and it would be dangerous. So I said, what is the use of him having these jabs if he is still going to get it from me, I thought they stopped people from getting 'flu.
Anyhow, I had both the pneumonia and 'flu jab last November and have not been well since. The day after I had them, I was bedridden, I got a cough and still have it today. I have been diaganosed with Bronchiectasis. Had a full body scan as I have lost three stones through lack of appetite. I am still having to care for my husband even though I am ill myself.
I have refused the 'flu jab this year. I told my husband I am now thinking about myself. No-one accepts the fact that this was caused by the jabs and say it is impossible. I never had a days illness in my life apart from the odd hernia, breast lump removal (benign), and since they combined the bird 'flu and the normal 'flu jab, the one and only time I had it it has completely ruined my health.
When the hospital did sputum tests six months after my 'flu jab, they found three bacterias in it, and all three were from the pneumonia and 'flu jab, nothing else, the GP told me they had never seen this before.
Like I said earlier, the treatment is worse than the cure.
By the way, the day the Matron came to give him his jab, she had had it the same day, and a few days later she was off work ill for over a week.
So no-one tell me that this jab works for everyone, because it doesn't.