Exercise tips for us COPDers - Lung Conditions C...

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Exercise tips for us COPDers

6 Replies



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6 Replies
Puffthemagicdragon profile image

Thanks for that. I'll give it a go.

Thanks for the sites,

I have a problem exersising due to my spinal disc degeneration,

I had to attend a pain management course when the doctors said they can do no more. The course was very good, except the physiotherapist said I can not do the afternoon excersises only the stretching ones, anything more would damage my back even more, so for six weeks it was just stretching,(boring) looking at those sites I can try more from the chair.

At that time three years ago I did not have chronic asthma, only asthma that was controlled.

I wonder if pulmonary rehab do these exersises, I would be interested to know if they do anything that I could do.

Thankyou B.

Hi B

Have you had advice from a respiratory therapist or back specialist ?- try ringing the BLF helpline for one of their experts in exercise.

also there are lots of exercises on youtube too,

eg. youtube.com/watch?v=31Ew1og...

I am on waiting list for PR for their exercise programme ... they monitor breathing etc as you exercise.


Warm Up

You can do this sitting or standing (as advised by your physiotherapist or trainer)

It is very important to warm up properly so that you do not injure yourself. Your warm up could be as long as 10-15 minutes.

Shoulder shrugs:

4 x up and down • Slowly lift your shoulders up towards your ears

• Lower down again

Shoulder circles (arms by sides):

4 x each direction • Lift your shoulders round in a circle

• Do this forwards then backwards

Head turns:

2 x each side • Slowly turn your head as far to the right as you can

• Bring back to the centre and turn to the left

Trunk twists:

2 x each side • Sit in a chair, or stand, with your feet a shoulder width apart, arms folded in front of you

• Keeping your hips facing forwards and your legs still, turn your shoulders around to the right, back to the middle, then around to the left

Side bends:

2 x each side • Keep your body straight and put your arms by your side

• Slide your right arm down your body towards the floor. Do not lean forwards

• Slide your arm back up then repeat on your left

Knee lifts (hips and knees):

4 x each side • Hold on to a secure surface or sit

• Slowly lift one knee up to hip level, not too high, then lower again

• Repeat on the other leg

Heel dig forward:

4 x each side • Stand with your hands on your hips

• Place one foot in front of the other and put your heel gently on the ground

• Bring the foot back to a standing position

• Repeat with the other leg

Trunk twists:

2 x each side • Sit in a chair, or stand, with your feet a shoulder width apart, arms folded in front of you

• Keeping your hips facing forwards and your legs still, turn your shoulders around to the right, back to the middle, then around to the left

Toe taps to the side: 4 x each side

• Stand

• Put your right leg out to the side and tap your toe on the ground

• Bring this leg back to the centre and then repeat with your left

Marching on the spot • Stand tall, standing with feet hip width apart

• March on the spot for 1 minute

Strengthening exercises

These are a combination of exercises designed to work your whole body. It is important to do them all so that you work all your muscles. Ask your physiotherapist or trainer to help you adapt these exercises to your ability and progress them over time. Repeat each exercise up to 10 times. Then have a short rest. You can do up to 3 sets of 10.

Sit to stand • Sit towards the front of an upright chair

• Keep your feet hip width apart

• Have your arms loosely by your side

• Lean well forward at the hips

• Stand up slowly

• Lean well forward at the hips

• Sit down again slowly

• The slower you do this, the better. You can make it harder by doing it more slowly, or from a lower seat, or holding a heavy book

Biceps curl

• Sit or stand with arms by side

• Hold arm weights in your hands with your palms facing forward

• Slowly bend your elbow to bring the weights up to your shoulders

• Slowly straighten your arm again

• If this exercise is difficult, do one arm at a time

• If you find this exercise very difficult, sit down and support your elbows on a table


• Stand with feet hip width apart

• Lightly hold a sturdy surface for balance

• Bend your knees slowly, keep your body upright

• Keep your heels flat

• Go down as far as is comfortable

Upright rowing

• Stand with feet shoulder width apart, arms by your side

• Holding a weight or theraband in both hands, with palms facing your body, lift your hands up towards your chest

Wall push offs

• Make sure you keep your body in a straight line at all times

• Stand facing a wall with your feet hip width apart and up to 3 feet from a wall

• Rest your palms on the wall at shoulder height

• Lean forward slightly

• Bend your elbows to bring your forehead to the wall

• Do not poke your chin out!

• Straighten your elbows again to push you away so that you are doing 'press ups' against the wall

Heel raises

• Stand with feet hip width apart

• Gently rest your hands on a sturdy surface for balance only; you should not lean on it

• Keeping your weight over the centre of your feet, lift up onto the balls of your feet

• Slowly lower down again

• As you progress with this exercise, you can build up to holding yourself on the balls of your feet up to the count of 4

Arm raises

• Stand with feet hip width apart

• Hold arm weights or bands in your hands by the side of your body with palms facing inwards

• Keeping your arms straight, lift to the side to shoulder height, keeping in line with your body

• Slowly lower your arms back to the side of your body

Endurance (cardiovascular) exercises

These exercises build up your stamina or endurance and help keep your heart strong. You should try to do them as long as your breathing and legs allow. Walk or march on the spot at least 5 times per week, daily if possible. Add star jacks and steps or stairs as well on alternating days.

Star jacks

• Take your right arm and leg out to the side at the same time

• Bring them back to the centre

• Repeat with the left arm and leg

• Keep repeating, taking left and right sides in turn

• You can take a rest and start again if you get too breathless

• Do not forget to use the positions (shown earlier) to relieve your breathlessness

Walking for the speed and time recommended by your trainer. • Try to do this every day

Marching on the spot

If walking is difficult (e.g. if the weather is bad) or there is not enough space to do comfortably indoors • Stand tall

• Standing with feet hip width apart

• March on the spot, lifting your knees up as you march

• You can take a rest and start again if you get too breathless

• Do not forget to use the positions (shown earlier) to relieve your breathlessness


• If you have stairs at home, try to climb them as an exercise

• Pace yourself, breathing in and out slowly as you step e.g. in for one step, out for two

• Change the breathing/step rhythm to suit you, and don’t rush!

• Alternatively, step on and off the bottom step, changing legs each time

• Again, do this slowly and breathe as for the stairs

Static bike/treadmill

• If you have access to exercise equipment that can be used under supervision, then add these to your programme in place of, or as well as, other endurance exercises

Cool down and stretches

Just like the warm up, the cool down is very important. Walk or march slowly on the spot until your breathing returns to normal – then do the stretches. Stretching helps loosen and lengthen tight muscles. If you are very breathless, use the stretches only to cool down. Cooling down allows your body to gradually wind down.


These can be done standing or sitting. None of them should be painful – you should just feel a slight stretch. Try to hold each stretch for 10–20 seconds.

Back stretch

• Clasp your hands together and reach your arms forward, arching your back

• You should feel a slight stretch in the muscles between your shoulder blades

Chest stretch

• Clasp your hands together behind your back

• Pull your shoulders back and your elbows together

• You should feel a slight stretch in the muscles at the front of your chest

Arm stretch

• Put your right hand on your right shoulder and lift your elbow upwards

• You can help to lift it and stretch it further with help from your left hand

• Repeat with the left arm

• You should feel a slight stretch on the back of your upper arm

Trunk stretch • Fold your arms across your body

• Keeping your body below the waist facing forwards, turn your upper body to the right

• Hold for a few moments

• Slowly return to the middle and repeat to the left

Side stretch

• Place your feet hip width apart

• Slowly slide your right hand down your right leg, if standing (or down the right hand side of the chair, if sitting)

• You should feel a slight stretch down the left hand side of your body

• Return to the starting position and repeat to the left

Calf stretch

• Stand with feet hip width apart, holding on to something sturdy

• Put one foot about 12 inches in front of the other with both feet facing forwards

• Bend the front knee and keep the back knee straight

• Push the heel of the back foot to the floor

• You should feel a slight stretch in the calf muscle of the back leg

Quadriceps stretch

• Sit on the edge of a chair

• Bend the leg underneath your seat and rest your toes on the floor

• Hold

• Repeat with the other leg

Hamstring stretch

• Sit on the edge of a chair

• Have one leg bent and the other completely straight in front of you

• Point your toes to the floor

• With your hands on the bent knees, sit up tall with a good posture, bend at the waist and move your upper body slightly forwards

• You should feel a slight stretch in the back of the thigh of the straight leg

• Swap legs around and repeat

take care xxx julie

timber profile image

I did a course well over 10 years ago when first diagnosed with emphysema so this is really useful stuff.Many thanks .


lavender1 profile image

Really helpful julie thanks x

nellie15 profile image

thank you .x

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