COPD, Lung Disease, Chronic Lung Sepsis, Chronic Bronchal Sepsis, Bronchitiasss, Emphysema, etc and antibiotic resistance & bacteria can open the door to sepsis sepsis shock.
COPD Chronic Lung Disease and Sepsis ... - Lung Conditions C...
COPD Chronic Lung Disease and Sepsis Risk

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Very interesting subject thanks for the information
Hi, that's an interesting post many thanks D3NIS hope your getting over your bad spell .
An interesting article indeed but I can't see the point in reading it unless you suspect you are severely ill and likely to get sepsis. In which case one should be in hospital and receiving treatment. I know that reading it makes me feel anxious and fearful because it taps into the ' what if things get so bad they won't be able to sort it fear' that's always floating around in my subconscious but usually kept in check by rational thinking. That doesn't do me any good and it doesn't do you any good either, I suspect. I know you have severe health problems DNRS ( as most of us here do) but I think you are going to literally frighten yourself to death by all this stuff you keep feeding your fears with. I'm all in favour of being well informed but I think too much information is possibly as bad as too little, if it keeps you constantly worrying and fretting. I'm saying this to you because I'm a worrier myself and I have to struggle sometimes to keep it in check. You can find your own symptoms in every article about lung disease you read and the more you read the more it does your head in. Just my opinion of course and that doesn't mean I don't respect your right to read and research. Just another way of looking at it.
Saw something on t.v. recently (BBC News I think) regarding the increase in sepsis because a lad of 14 had died from it. I suppose people who are very poorly anyway are more susceptible to all sorts of things and it is not a bad idea just to be aware. I had no idea about the use of antibiotics and C-Diff until I read a post so I am now very aware and like to keep a close eye on Pete. Interesting article Daz.
I wish everyone well and hope for better days ahead. xxxxx
i wouldlike a reply to any methods to relieve the breathing difficulties we copd sufferers have also in my own case i suffer from a build up of pressure through my stomach to chest then head and its so scary i have to rest? i have had a angiogram?heart fine? i take reflux tablets? ive been tested for parasites in my lower regions ie colon intestines etc any ideas?
Hi daz, I know you are worried about antibiotic resistance and's about 14 months since I was hospitalised with the symptoms of sepsis.
I have never felt so ill even when I have had double pneumonia many years ago, but I was treated quickly with IV antibiotics and when blood tests showed I still had an infection another antibiotic was tried...and I am still here.
I recently went on a course which was aimed at helping people with long term chronic was based on mindfulness and living in the moment and I found that very useful, together with my yoga and meditation app.
Best wishes and take care.
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