You can get a fairly good COPD Guide as a download if you go to Scientific American's Healthafter50. You have to register but you can unsubscribe at any time. Here is the link:
A Free COPD Guide For Sign up - Lung Conditions C...
A Free COPD Guide For Sign up
Just applied... Very quick delivery,
It's a tick the box one so easy.
I shall look at it at my leisure📝📝
Etch45 xxx
It has quite a few interesting things on there. I hope it helps someone on here.
(Of course, I believe their main goal is to try to sell a book about COPD which they also advertise. It's fairly expensive, $50 US)
There are also really good guides and a COPD passport from the BLF
Thank you for telling me.........
How do I get to them? I thought this was their only site? And what is a COPD "passport"?

You can find their website on the net. Just search for BLF or British Lung Foundation. A COPD passport is a small leaflet which helps you check that you've had all the correct tests for COPD and are getting appropriate care. It may highlight an area which hasn't been covered, and should be under the NICE guidelines. You might then ask your GP to attend to it.
I'm in england it's telling me I've to pay $49:00 +$15:00 shipping fee
Sounds about right if it's a thick book and has ads (if there are ads it cannot go cheaper Media rate here in US).
BUT, you do not have to buy the book to download the FREE COPD GUIDE!
Hi winded thanks for that just signed up will give me something to read whilst my kids are busy on their phones! Lol
Thank u for sharing debs xx