has anyone else experienced this?he also has what he thinks is an ulcer in his mouth,which hes had for 4 weeks now and his tongue is sore ?maybe its his inhalers?
Severe emphysema ,current chest infec... - Lung Conditions C...
Severe emphysema ,current chest infection (for nearly 4weeks),now hes very very shaky and never has been before ?

You can contact out of hours service to see what they say advise ? Val
The medication I take (steroids) makes my hands shake to a marked extent. Maybe this is your father's problem too, and perhaps the antibiotics/other medication he's taking/taken have produced the ulcer.
I would suggest ringing NHS Direct if you're not getting any useful answers from your father's GP.
Hes been on the steroids 6 aday for nearly 3 weeks and only started really shaking yesterday .He said the ulcer has been there since just before starting the antibiotics .I havent told his gp about the shaking or ulcer yet.I feel like all i do is ring him and ask him questions.I have spoke to nhs direct at the end of last week ,they said we are doing everything right etc and gave advice about support .I suppose i feel like everyone thinks im worrying about everything about him now if you know what i mean .
It's difficult for you we can all see that, if you are so worried about him ring NHS direct again see what they say they are the experts and can advise you or get a doctor to come out to your dad Val
Does he take omeprzole in mornings before taking the steriods , i have to take one when i am on oral steriods as it affects my ulcers badly if i don't.
omeprezole lines the stomach so the steriod cannot cause acute acid .
No he doesnt take omeprezole.He only has 1 ulcer but it just wont go .But it was more the shaking i was worried about.If hes still like it today i might give nhs direct a ring .
sometimes i get the shakes badly when i take steroids, if i am having a bad coughing fit or overuse my inhaler i also get the shakes and is he rinsing his mouth out after using his inhalers? he may have thrush, unfortunately some of the inhalers can cause this ( been lucky so far touch wood!!!). Since i got a nebuliser the shakes are not so bad because i dont struggle to use my inhaler and then overuse.
Think you will find its thrush as I've just gone though the same thing. My sr put me in meds for it and it cleared up with in days. Dr said it was my pumps that caused the problem. Hope this helps
Take care
Sam, take him to A&E or get an ambulance out
I spoke to nhs direct today they are have now wrote a letter to his doctor , saying my dad needs further investigating done as he still has a bad pain .I have been told to ring his doctor on tues morning abd his nurse to tell them he has not improved. I have just spoke to my dad and he is still not well enough to go downstairs , he has painkillers but he said they don't touch the pain at all . The only time it doesn't hurt is when he's sitting still . It hurts when he coughs and when he breaths in . I've told him that his mouth might be thrush so he can take stuff that he had indoors for that .He won't let me ring an ambulance! But I will if he gets any worse . Everyday when I go to see him I hope he's a little better but he's just staying the same . He's just so breathless when he gets up to even go to the toilet but oxygen level is always alright . It's really taking it out if him
He has only taken 2 neurofen today , he doesn't like taking painkillers for a pain like he has as he thinks they won't help . Ive now decided if he is still in pain tmw I'm going to try and get him a&e if not ring an ambulance .
Is your dad coughing ? my muscles in my stomach and chest (especially down under my arms) can become really painful with coughing fits. Also be careful what painkillers he takes, i found that paracetamol never touched the sides with pain and one day i got bursitus ( very painful hip) went to the chemist and he refused to sell me anything which contained codine in ( which a lot of anti-inflammatories have)- he told me i needed strong painkillers and because of the emphysema i had to get these from the doctor, i saw a doctor at our walk in centre who prescribled co-codomol telling me to stop taking them as soon as the pain eases, and when i went to my regular chemist to get the prescription filled he also told me to be careful when taking them as they can affect my chest - i was in a lot of pain so didn't ask any more questions but wish i had so that i can give you more info.
If he is coughing i have found a great cough medicine, my Doctor is into homeopathic medicine, which i havn't made my mind up about yet, but he gave me, on prescription, a cough medicine called jut-u-sin R, its really good. i would suggest you speak to your dads doctor first but it might be worth a try.
He is coughing so much,a really bad chesty cough ,he has been up all night.The pain he has is on his left side lower down sort of just inside his ribs at the bottom .Its a very sharp pain that takes his breath away .He is constantly holding it if he is up going to the toilet.I wouldnt be as worried as i am if he could at least get up and come downstairs as i know chest infections can take a long time to get better.But he is getting weaker by the day not being able to have the energy to get up.I think he needs to go to hospital but i would have to get an ambulance as his oxygen is now dipping to 86 when up and he couldnt physicaly get in the car to the hospital .I hope im doing the right thing making him go to the hosp ,i just feel if he had proper pain control he might be able to move around again and get stronger .I think he might need a ct scan ? i spoke to the doc yesterday he said just take painkillers and get his own doc out on tues but if anything ny Dad is deteriating and i think he would get better care up the hosp? i hope im right as im going to have a right fight on my hands with him when i tell him my plan !!
Sam, your doing the right thing - let us know how he gets on please xx
thinking of you both xxx