Hi everyone thanks for all the reassurance , after on 4 tablets of the Anti biotics I feel sooo much better and hardly a cough so feeling very optimistic now that it is inflammation and infection.
I am hopeful about the next Ct scan now 🙂
Hi everyone thanks for all the reassurance , after on 4 tablets of the Anti biotics I feel sooo much better and hardly a cough so feeling very optimistic now that it is inflammation and infection.
I am hopeful about the next Ct scan now 🙂
Fingers crossed for you. 🤞🤞🤞xxx
That's good to hear xxxx
That is excellent news!!! Happy to hear!!
Good news Mrs P, hope all goes well with the scan x
Brilliant! x
Receiving that excellent news Mrs P70, let's hope that your CT scan will have excellent results too/ wishing you well Mrs P70, with love, 💘 & God bless.. Primrose 123,( Maria)xx
Nice to hear some good newa
good news x