Hi I ve just joined and want to ask if anybody has had lung reduction surgery and can tell me if it’s worked for them.I can’t decide whether to go for it or not and I wonder if anyone would tell me their experience of having it done
thank you Trudy
Hi I ve just joined and want to ask if anybody has had lung reduction surgery and can tell me if it’s worked for them.I can’t decide whether to go for it or not and I wonder if anyone would tell me their experience of having it done
thank you Trudy
Sorry I cannot help although if you write Lung reduction in the search bar older posts with replies will come up. Good luck
Welcome to the forum.. I can't help with your query, but it has come up on the forum several times before.
Welcome to the forum x
hi yes I had lung reduction op April last year. I had in Cyprus and complete failure nearly died after op due to infection and was in coma in ICU. I was in hospital for 9 weeks. I am now worse breathing and when I have my breathing tests at specialist every 2 months she compares with results before op and no change at all. I would personally think very carefully and read all details. The op does carry a high mortality rate. I am 71 with severe copd (emphysema) and have had it for over 10 years. Sorry to be so pessimistic but think carefully.
You've had tough time Vinny5.after 9 wk in hospital, yr fitness wld have diminished & it's hard to get back.do they have pulmonary rehab there x
Yes we have rehab get 10 free sessions on gesy equivalent our nhs than have to pay. Unfortunately when I was eventually able to start rehab it was June last year and weather suddenly changed to extreme heat and humidity so did not cope very well. I am still so weak from trauma of op etc., my doctor said I have ptsd. I have started walking my dogs again keep stopping to catch breath and go slowly but do manage around 2,000 steps. Very hard to get motivated into exercise or rehab again.
hi and welcome x
Hi, I am going to Royal Brompton on the 9 th April for tests to see about having this done, will keep you updated after I’ve been, I was recommended for it after putting myself forward for trials of something else that I wasn’t suitable for, need to have a Transthoracicechocardiogram done as they picked up something on my ct scan so need a closer look at my heart 😊💐
Professor Shah excellent doctor spoke to him about lung volume op and valves but from my scans sent to him op my best option. As I live in Cyprus would have to go privately cost of 50,000 pounds just for op let alone expenses as would not be able to fly home for months so found consultant in Cyprus.