After having to go private to have a ct scan and diagnosis of Bronchiectasis , I have at last managed to transfer to the NHS with the same consultant and have an appointment at the end of March! Phew, it's been a long journey which has been made easier with everyone's kind support on here and encouragement to be persistent! The advice to question my initial diagnosis of copd came from speaking to the clinicians on this site's helpline - a big thank you to them too! Meanwhile, Azithromycin has been a game changer and I've managed to stay infection free for now🤞. Good luck to everyone on here, and looking forward to spring!
Billy the cat update - finally! - Lung Conditions C...
Billy the cat update - finally!

I’ve been on Azithromycin for 8+ years, and my only chest infections came about because rheumatology changed one of my meds to one that wasn’t compatible with Azithromycin and I ended up in hospital with pneumonia.
So pleased you’re seeing someone at the end of March. Azithromycin are great and Pete wouldn’t be without them. Wishing you well. Xxx
Wishing you well. Great news x
Well done for persisting and it’s good to hear you have an appointment at the end of March. Azithromycin has been brilliant for me too. Long may it continue to help you.
That's good to read. A shame you had to go private, but at least it paid off. Azith is magic for a lot of us. Hopefully things will be on the up from now on. xxx
That's really good news and we'll done for being persistent x
So good to read some +ve news with all that is happening around us. The world is seriously short of good leadership, thank goodness our doctors are several leagues above them. Have a good Sunday, Chris.
It is so good to hear that you finally have a proper diagnosis. Please check that the consultant you are with is a bronchiectasis specialist. This is very important because most general respiratory consultants do not have the training or experience in bronch. They and their teams tend to treat it like copd when it needs specialised management and they will need to advise your GP on your treatment. If this consultant is not a bronch specialist look on the website of your nearest big teaching hospital for one. Take the name to your GP and insist on a referral. You have done very well at being pro active so far so keep it up.
Thanks Swizzy, I was mindful of this when I sought private health care, as you had mentioned it in previous comments. He diagnosed Bronchiectasis within 5 minutes of listening to my chest ( later confirmed by ct scan) and remarked that he wished he had some medical students in the room as this condition is often mistaken for copd and is actually a separate condition. People like you and others on this site who take the time and trouble to share their knowledge and experience really help us newbies to get the proper care - a massive thank you to you all!
I keep trying to help other bronchs educate themselves and their own doctors which they are becoming very good at. I have been a patient for exams from first year to consultant applicants and at all levels nine out of ten thought that it was copd. They only get a couple of hours training in bronch. When I was in hospital in 21 and 23 I had a steady parade of students and junior doctors wanting to talk to me about it. In 23 the senior docs on the ward had told them to ‘go learn from her, she knows more than us.
Hope you get proper support now going forwards. Ask about a referral for pulmonary rehabilitation if you feel you could give it a try. Best wishes.
you’ve got this 🐝🐞
So glad you are getting the help you need and feeling better. Long may it last xx