Sorry for the long delay - even private consultations and tests seem to take a while here. A quick reminder - after being diagnosed with moderate COPD by a nurse following spirometry, and several chest infections, I asked in August to be referred to a consultant so I could have a CT scan and proper diagnosis. I got the appointment for September 2025! I decided to access private health services for at least the scan and the hope to be transferred back to NHS at some point. Paid £220 for consultation, and £488 for scan. GP agreed to do look tests on NHS. I have been diagnosed with Bronchiectasis and was doing fabulously well on Azithromycin - chest improved and phlegm reduced. However, I managed to have a TIA 10days ago so consultant has stopped the Azithromycin until he has checked with my cardiology team (I had a cardiac arrest 12 years ago and have an ICD). Darn it! More waiting. Anyway a huge thank you to everyone on this site who gave me invaluable advice and who have so much more experience in these matters. Now my funds are depleted so hopefully will be referred back to same consultant via NHS. (Sad footnote- Billy my beautiful cat was killed on the road a few weeks ago. He got distracted by something the other side of the road and ran in front of a car. The poor driver was so upset - she has cats of her own. No more cats for me - too painful. Bye bye Billy, love you, miss you.😿😻
Billy the cat disappointed update! - Lung Conditions C...
Billy the cat disappointed update!

So sorry to hear about your cat, how heartbreaking for you and the poor lady driver.
Hoping you’re recovering after your TIA and things improve for you very soon. Take care xxx
I’m so sorry to read about Billy. Losing a loved pet is heartbreaking. I thought I was going to lose one of dogs last week because he got so stressed by the fireworks.
Sorry to hear about all the worries you have had lately (definitely can relate to them). It's so hard losing a pet and a good comforting friend. I hope you get the treatment you need. I would advise anyone just starting out to pay weekly into private health care in case its needed later on, wish I had. Good luck chook 😉
So sorry to hear you've lost yr cat.its so hard losing a pet I'm glad u have Had bronchiectasis diagnosed - u can learn how to deal with it.the main element of self care with bronchiectasis is keeping lungs clear - u can request to see a lung physio & meanwhile,read up on lung clearance techniques on aluk website. Doxycycline is similar in anti inflammatory benefits in lungs too,if its an option for you.
Hope u feel better soon &Recover well frm tia x
Well done for getting that Broch diagnosis and hope you find a replacement antibiotic soon. Very sorry to hear about puss. Losing a pet that way is awful. Billy would have loved every day he spent with you. All we can do is give them the best possible home with lots of love. I too have decided no more felines as the loss is harder to take each time. Look after yourself and take care. xx
All is not lost, there are other prophylactic antibiotics. Several members cant take Azithromycin so are prescribed something else. I hope you're sorted out soon. P
A.. So sad to hear about your cat! Very upsetting for you!Hope you are sorted soon with azithromycin. Would hope 1 tablet 3x weekly would not have that much impact on heart.
Take care! X
Thanks! I agree but I understand they have to cover themselves. Hopefully the cardiologists will give the go ahead as it's been a gamechanger. I hope you are well and avoiding all those pesky chest infections x
Thankyou. I am doing ok despite pseudomonas in lungs. 13 yrs ago, when diagnosed with bronchiectasis i had so many reppeated infections & antibiotics until i started on azithromycin. I also take 2x2 carbocisteine daily, nebulise 7%saline & try to do postural drainage 2x daily.I found myself a good specialist consultant on the NHS in Liverpool & asked for a referral to him
He's great & sees me every 4-6mths.
Hope you get sorted soon. X
how heartbreaking for you about Billy. So sorry to hear it, especially when you are going through all the waiting for tests etc. Take care. xx
So sorry about Billy. Heartbreaking 💔
Terrible that you have had to pay so much for tests, it seems to be the way of things nowadays, at least you now know what you are dealing with. I would find a bronchiectasis specialist in your area and ask your gp to refer you,it may help in the waiting times and at least you will be getting the correct care. I am so sorry to hear about your cat and hope you are OK x
Aw, so sorry to hear about Billy, they enrich our lives so much but it breaks our hearts when they go. Do hope things get sorted re the TIA and that you feel better soon.
So sorry to hear about your cat. I can imagine how upset you and the driver were about it. Hoing you’re recovering xx
So sorry about Billy, I’ve had cats and unfortunately we lived close to a road and a couple were killed that very same way. So sorry about your TIA and hope they have you sorted now. I’ve had a brain haemorrhage which has affected my mobility and memory cognitive etc but also had TIA 2 years later which didn’t really alter anything. Welcome to the bronchi club, most take the medication you were on too but shame you’ve been taken off for now, no doubt when all tests are complete they’ll probably put you back on them, they are just being cautious.
Take care and good luck
Wendy xx
So sorry to hear about your brain haemorrhage and its impact on your daily life - what a blow. TIA was a warning so I'm diligent in monitoring my BP now (it's so low I'm surprised I'm still standing up). Not the retirement that any of us were hoping for, but I have been astounded at the support and expert advice on this site - it's an enormous help being understood and encouraging that most conditions are manageable xx
It's so hard to lose a cat that way, or any way. They are such a part of the family.
Hope you're now on the mend after your TIA and you get referred back into the NHS system to sort your bronch treatment.
My heart goes out to you, I know what it's like losing a beloved pet, having lost a dog and cat within 18 months of each other. The difference being they died of ailments so we were expecting it. Losing a pet in an accident is the worst way to lose a pet and I'm so sorry for your loss. I, like you, have bronchiectasis and had to pay similar amounts for ct and consultant. I also had zithro until they discovered I had heart disease. It's such a shame because it's an amazing drug and I've never felt better on it. I was put on doxycycline and that seemed to help but I do hope they find some answers for you soon. Again, so sorry.
Very sorry to hear about you're cat it's very upsetting for you
sorry to hear about Billy. Glad you have a diagnosis and you’re on the road to recovery after your TIA. 🐞
That is awful to lose Billy. I’m so sorry. Always difficult losing a pet as they mean so much to us.
Did the CT scan you had show COPD or only Bronc?
Thanks. Cylindrical Bronchiectasis in all lobes and a bit of emphysema and some atelectasis ☹️. Bit of a shock reading the letter to my GP as the consultant made it sound fairly mild at the face to face appointment . Oh well, onwards and upwards🙄
I'm glad you have got properly diagnosed and angry that you had to go down the private health route!! My OH has been given a date to call for an appointment with a consultant, and been told the actual appointment when ge gets it, will be at least 6 month later! I keep telling him to go private but no luck so far. I'm so sorry about Billy, sending lots of love and cuddles xx
Hi and thanks. Trouble with waiting is you get more irreversible lung damage with every infection and build up of phlegm. Wish I had sought the referral a year earlier when my partner was urging me to do so. Waiting causes damage I've learned. X
so true, I will continue my campaign to get him to go private!! Only trouble is the more I go in about it the more he digs his heels in 😐. I have the dodgy lungs. He has liver issues. X
I hope you can get the treatment you need without too much of a struggle and that you can soon be put back on Azith. When our lovely Sooty died we hesitated to get another cat, because of the amount of traffic on our road. I wonder if we could get an elderly cat or a cat with some illness which means they have to stay indoors. I hesitate because I'm not sure I could manage a new addition to my already demanding family. Understand why you feel your lovely Billie is irreplaceable. xxx
Yes, I understand and it's tempting but I would worry myself sick every time they went out - Billy was 14 years old - and although we have a garden would try to extend his territory and go out on the road. I love to give cats freedom and allow them to go as they please! Also my partner is now convinced cat dander is bad for my lungs, so he's against it. I will have to befriend the squirrels instead!
Our beloved Sooty had a really small territory, ie. our garden- she was really timid and did not care for other cats. I agree that cats should have freedom to roam, but some cannot for medical reasons or because old age limits the urge (rather like old humans.)