Hi all you lovely people, have finally got an appointment with consultant next wednesday (2 yrs after copd diagnosis and 3 months after bullous disease diagnosis) and now im a bit nervous! have been told to allow 2 hours for appointment but other than spirometry tests not really sure what else to expect? not on any meds and feel ok (except when walking up a hill!!! thats not nice) ive been told to ask for a scan but would be grateful for any info off anyone whose been through this. many thanks xx
appointment with consultant............. - Lung Conditions C...
appointment with consultant..........finally!

Usually the consultant will initiate all the tests required to determine accurate diagnosis and treatment. You may find you have cardiac checks when you are there but normally details of what tests are going to be carried out are mentioned in the letter of appointment you get from the hospital, with suggestion to wear loose comfortable clothing etc.
In my own experience, lots of checks before diagnosis was achieved was my own experience.
Perhaps you would benefit from calling the BLF helpline? They can give you a rundown on what to expect, what should be covered, what you can ask, etc. Good luck.
Helpline number is 03000 030 555
So pleased you have your appt.Tasha, good luck with everything.Whilst you are waiting, write down any questions you have for them.Take it with you on the day,and refer to it.They are used to people doing that,and saves you going home and thinking,i forgot to ask him about .........!
please let us know how you go,love Wendells xxxx
In our area first visit to the consultant you are usually given an X-ray, which the consultant can view before you see him/her. You are also weighed and measured (height) and given a spirometry test. All that before you see the consultant, so that's why you the first visit takes so long. The tests don't take long, but there's a lot of waiting ... so bring a book or something else to do with you.