anyone have any problems taking Doxycycline?
bacterial chest infection: anyone have... - Lung Conditions C...
bacterial chest infection

when I first took it - following weeks of ill health and other antibiotics not helping - I was warned that it may make me feel quite rough! Nausea mainly. But that it would knock the infection on the head! Gp was correct about doxycycline but I now will specifically ask for it because it helped me.
Make sure you don’t take it on an empty stomach. I did one dose on an empty-ish stomach as I had no appetite (and it stated to avoid dairy, anything with iron etc, so basically ruling out most of my diet) and got so nauseaus that I ended up being sick.
No not at all... apart from in the last 6 weeks I've spent 3 on doxycycline (a week and a week getting well in between, but clearly not being well) ... its a part of my rescue pack so the GP just re-prescribes it, but I also try and get them to listen to my chest even though I've got the gear to treat it in the cupboard.... ive had issues with them not believing I get a chest infection every 60-90 days (one doctor actually went back through my medical record while I was with her a number of years ago)
Nope, I always took it after food.
It's important to keep out of sunshine 🌞 (not difficult in England at the moment)!
I had Doxycycline prescribed as my rescue pack antibiotic after my last episode of pneumonia. It was one of the antibiotics used during my hospital stay. It was to be my daily antibiotic.
Had to take my rescue pack of 5 days worth of- extended to 10 days as still unwell and my infection markers high. On about day seven noticed I had finger joint pain, could not hold a cup easily. The pain then became more pronounced in my wrists and shoulders, both arms. I contacted the prescribing hosp pharmacist who told me I may have developed arthritis and to stop taking it immediately.
So with me no problems regarding gut intolerance, but definitely joint pain. I am now taking maximum dose of co-codamol and hoping that the pain goes away as time goes by , much worse at night than through the day. The good news is I can now hold a mug to drink my tea, got to look for the good bits of life 😀
Did you really develop arthritis from anti-biotics ? I don't see how that could have happened. How awful for you
Hi deejames , not arthritis but query arthralgia according to hosp pharmacist. I tried to edit when I saw there had been an autocorrect but failed. All I know is it is joint pain that has me in tears on occasions. Hope it goes the further I get from taking my last dose - today is day 5. 🤞
I endorse taking it after eating. The first time I was prescribed it, I took the first dose on an empty stomach and not long after I was very sick. Taking it with food, no problem. Good luck.
Only that this antibiotic which has been prescribed for me 3 times over the last 6 months hasn’t helped at all.
I hope it works for you.
Go well
Hi, I used to be fine with Doxycycline but the last time I took it I had full migraines every day. It seemed to increase pressure in my head. Really annoying because infection wise it was eally helping. Now in menopause, I'm reacting to way more things. Though one Dr did say to me you can develop sensitivities to any of these antibiotics. I'm fine with Co-Amoxiclav and that's about it. Pretty restricting.
I hope you fair well with Doxycycline as it's a potent antibiotic.
Good luck. 😊
I am unable to take it due to side effects. Dr took me off them as I developed nerve pain, headaches, nausea and an upset stomach.
I felt totally knocked out on doxy. No energy a all. Was glad when I finished the dose.
Nausea was about the only issue I have even though I take it after food.
i find it is ok, but you mustn’t take on empty stomach as this causes the nausea. It is a good antibiotic to clear infection. However, we are all different, and what suits one person might not suit another. I hope you find it helps and doesn’t give you side effects.
I’ve been okay but as others have mentioned- do not take on an empty stomach
Avoid dairy and foods with iron for maybe 2 hours before and after
I found it effective but caused insomnia.
I can't take it as I'm allergic and break out in a rash, b ut I hope it works for you.
Best of luck
Hello, I have been on and off Doxy for many many years and it is one that is more agreeable than others. I get slight nauseous feeling which doesn't last so have something to eat before taking. It has lessened my appetite but it's small price to pay for keeping me well and I eat lightly throughout the day now as can't face big meals and too much on my plate. Keep well and good luck x