Hi I have Emphysema...and have always been ok taking steroids for chest infection ect. But my brother also with COPD. ..took two and now refuses to take any more he said he couldn't breathe heart pounding/racing and chest tight ? I am worried as he has had infection for two weeks has taken antibiotics but refuses to take another steroid. Also another problem he can not swallow tablets so he crushes them up is their liquid steroids? Antibiotics? Thank you
Has anyone had problems with steroids? - Lung Conditions C...
Has anyone had problems with steroids?

I’ve been on steroids for about 15 years. I’ve managed to tail my dose down to 7.5 mg a day. I’ve not had symptoms similar to your brother, but my body has become used to the steroids so I can’t stop them.
Thank you for your reply maybe an idea if he could try a low dose ?
He maybe needs to talk to his gp. What dose was he prescribed? I know once when I was prescribed an emergency dose of 60mg a day by the hospital for a really bad chest infection I was buzzing. I was able to do all sorts of physical jobs that I hadn’t been able to do for years - I also have severe rheumatoid arthritis.
There are dissolvable steroids but not sure available in UK. You can get coated ones "gastro resistant type" but supply can be hit and miss. I would suggest your brother contacts GP to be examined re symptoms. Good luck.
Hi, I've been given liquid prednisolone for asthma exacerbation at our local minor injuries hospital, it was enough to get me through the following 11hour wait in a&e, so it exists and is worth asking your brothers doctor about
Hi chook, I have copd and the only problem I have is they do nothing for me whatsoever. Keep telling my deaf doctor but they just don't listen 😕 🙄
Steroids (Prednisolone) keep me awake and antibiotics upset my tum.
I honestly think your brother needs to see a GP - The "pounding heart and tight chest" could be anxiety or a reaction to the steroids.
There are liquid steroids according to NHS link below.
His antibiotics should sort his infection, steroids are not for that, they are to help breathing caused by an infection.
Really needs to get his meds sorted by a GP.
Cheers your thoughts along the same as I was thinking on the steroid ...the antibiotics have helped but would be easier for him to have a liquid form. I agree really needs an consultant appointment been year and a half thus far ! Thank you for you reply and link vgeers
I have emphysema and my only treatment is inhalers, I only get the occasional steroids if I have a chest infection, for people with breathing problems steroids can save lives, if you get an adverse reaction to any meds best to see your GP.
Hi Biker88, I also have emphysema and find that steriods work for me and only have a rescue inhaler ie. Salamol which I find that I can be using more than I should, which inhaler have you been prescribed please
I have the Anoro Eliptar preventer and blue Salamol reliever, I also have a nebuliser with saline solution, and now I’m on ambulatory oxygen, but I do have chronic aspergillosis as well. I find with the oxygen I don’t need the blue inhaler quite so much
I used to be on a puffer which contained a steroid, and I reckon it thinned my skin. It was so easy to get a three corner tear in my arms or legs. My limbs are now covered in scars as a result. I was constantly seeing a nurse at the surgery, to disinfect and dress a wound. Since stopping that medication and avoiding steroids, I don't get torn skin anymore. Could be I'm less active, and more careful. I also stopped using a nasal spray when I found it contained a steroid. I'm pre-diabetic, and I found that one can be steroid induced diabetic.
I had a 'flu infection (have asthma as well) and the doctor prescribed steroid tablets at a high short dose, which I couldn't tolerate. Instead took them at lower dose over a longer period and it worked. Increased them a little, but couldn't tolerate higher dose. They made me feel worse, but it worked.
Suggest he speaks to doctor about lower dose.