Last year, before we found out there was a Community Matron, our GP was dishing out steroids to my husband as if there was no tomorrow as my husband could not get to the surgery, the doctor did telephone calls to talk to him about his chest infection rather than visit him, he was given antibiotics after antibiotics along with steroids and he must have taken well over 1000 steroids over a period of 5 months, non-stop. When we went to see a specialist, (we had to ask the GP to be referred as he never suggested it) the specialist nearly had a heart attack when we showed him all the empty boxes of steroids and antibiotics, I took them all in a Tesco carrier bag and when he asked him about the medication he was on I emptied the bag on his desk.
My husband always had a good head of hair, no bald patches at all and he is 67 years old, but it was now falling out in clumps. The specialist stopped the steroids immediately and sent a letter to the GP telling him under no circumstance was he to be given anymore, he had to have a test as his adrenal gland which produces steroids naturally in the body had stopped working because of the steroid overdose and he also had to have a bone scan as the GP should have been giving him some other tablets to counteract the bone damage steroids can cause.
Everything is now back on track and his hair has started growing again, but it is growing back bushy and curly and he looks like the mad professor, so I was wondering if anyone else had had similar experiences when taking steroids.