I am 21 and have been coughing for the past month, both with phlegm and without but when it started I was coughing very rusty/yellow and blood streaked phlegm.
I went to the doctor a week ago and he said I probably had had a chest infection and said to take things easy as it cleared. I went back 3 days later feeling worse and got put on a course of antibiotics for another chest infection. After 4 days of feeling no better I went back to the doctors as normally antibiotics help in the following 48 hours. I saw a different doctor and she started me on a course of steroids for 3 days. I took a dose this morning and saw no difference but will continue for the next two days.
I wondered if anyone has any similar experiences as I’m getting worried about what it could be if these steroids don’t help and didn’t know where to turn. My legs feel a bit odd (numb and tingly) which I’ve put down to the steroids. But as well as coughing and chest pain and lung aching my shoulders are aching too and headaches from coughing.
Thanks for any advice