I am having hot and cold sweats at night time and this is happening nearly every night for months now I am absolutely drenched in sweat is this to do with COPD?
Hot and cold sweats....: I am having... - Lung Conditions C...
Hot and cold sweats....
best get it checked out , night sweats waking you up are miserable .
Not your bedding or too hot a room ….
it sounds awfully to me like menopausal night sweats, but I'm no expert. You'd best see your doctor. I've never heard of lung diseases causing this. Hope the doc will be able to help you. xxx
I am 60 so I'm through that I will contact my GP thank u for messaging back x
My doctor told me when I first started getting menopausal symptoms that they can go on all your life. Cheered me up no end. They're not so noticeable now I'm 80.
Ohh god help me then ha x
I had hysterectomy etc etc+ was thrown into menopause,with horrendous sweats.traditional hrt medications didn't help at all so I researched supplements + found agnus castus+ black cohosh really helped.i took thm for many years. Now, for past 4yrs,I was advised by long covid clinic to recommence as sweats became troublesome again at night.ive been taking the black cohosh again
I had one when I was 32 but let 1 ovary for me to go through the change am 6o now but I will look into this thank u x
That was young.i was 42 but took ovaries etc too >( yes read up.it certainly helps me x
I had lots of problems and a mass of fibroids so it was decided to have it done as I wanted no more children any way.
Hi Albeeta, yes I'm 77 and still get hot flushes, I was 43 when I went through the change, I have patches now which I change twice a week, they are great as I just couldn't cope with the hot flushes x
I started on the menopause age 40 and still have night sweats. I can't take hrt now as I get problems with my blood and told I will have them all my life, I am now 72. I still need a quilt though as I am not hot all night long. I would speak with your gp as this doesn't sound hormonal x
there's a new drug available on nhs just been approved by nice for people that hrt is not suitable for which I've been taking for over a year called fezolinetant. hrt stopped working for me it's a years wait here to see gynecologist so went private last March and asked for it improved my sweats 80% used to cost me 70£ a month but worth it.ask your gp
Hi, I have advanced COPD abd don;t suffer Cold Sweats. the odd time hot sweats but don't have a clue why. Your GP should know your conditions and why you could have cold sweats.. As others say could be hormonal, best to find out why and there proably is help for your cold sweats with I imagine does not feel good..
hi Olivia, I am 75, with both ME and bronchiectasis. I have just started getting night sweats and I have no idea why. Frustrating!
Hi Olivia, it sounds like you are going through the change, check it out with your doctor
I had night sweats, but not cold sweats when I first picked up pseudamonas. Also night sweats, but not cold ones with menopause. It would be best to see your GP, so they can check everything out maybe take a sputum sample with you as well to rule out any new 'friends' in your lungs and get bloods done.
A fan and air purifier on by night helps with my overheating and I find it easier to breathe with air movement, but drives my husband nuts!
Noting your age, I would suggest it's more likely to be the menopause. Mine went on until fairly recently and I'm 72! It's miserable having disturbed sleep so I would still talk to your doctor about it. I have never been able to associate my COPD with sweats, but we're all different. xx
Night sweats is a symptom and it can be linked to other conditions. You do need to let your doctor know. He will be able to put you mind at rest, treat you for them so you are more comfortable.
Best wishes
Hi Olivia,
I had night sweats for years (from late 20s), but I think they were caused by stress. My GPs gave me anti depressants, which did work, but I didn't really like taking them, as they affected my mind! Funnily enough when the stress went the night sweats ended. The menopause did not affect me in that aspect. It is horrible, as I use to be drenched in sweat and then get cold - very unpleasant.
I would ask for a full blood count to be done if you haven't had one recently. There's lots of things that can cause night sweats so it's best to rule these out first. Have you changed inhalers or other meds within the last 6 months? I haven't ever heard of copd causing night sweats but others on here might have more experience in that than me.
It sounds like it's getting worse from what you've said so a visit to the GP would be my first option if I were you. Good luck xx
You should get them checked out. I have an autoimmune disease and night sweats were part of my first symptoms. They were mostly dismissed with the other symptoms being taken more seriously. Good luck I hope you find some answers as they are miserable to contend with.
I'm 63 and still get hot flushing not as bad as I used to and mine is mainly through the night my mother in law is 91 and she still has flushing and odd symptoms and docter told me I could still have on and off symptoms but it won't harm to see a docter
night sweats should always be checked out with gp it can signal many things and at least chest xray and a full blood count. imho
gynecologist told me both thyroid and diabetes cause sweats as others say ask gp to include them on bloodtest
Around my menopause age, I began everday to experience a strange afternoon low-grade fever, (like 98.5-99) when my morning temp was always normal (for me) at 97.3 or so. I would get an unwell feeling and a cough in the afternoons and eves. Tried to get a series of doctors to help, but they didn't consider my fever to be elevated enough to be of concern. They did heart function tests, chest x-rays and prescribed acid reflux drugs and even Flonase. I would get night sweats too, along with alternating chills, but they weren't concerned about it. They would not give antibiotics since, when I would go in, I wasn't that clinically impressive. Eventually after a few months of this I knew something was majorly wrong because I could feel the sticky mucous in the bottom of my lungs, or in the interstitial space. I insisted on seeing a pulmonologist who did a bronchoscopy. She determined what ailed me was an "indolent" Hemophilus infection (long standing), determined by the type of "mature" Hemophilus cells they found (versus immature, I guess). Just saying, it had nothing to do with menopause. And I believe the chronic infection damaged my lungs significantly, which led to Bronchiectasis, because 10 years later, after repeated pneumonias and finally a CT scan, I had my diagnosis.