Hi ,I am having dreadful night sweats ,I had them a little bit when i was on fostair and spirva ,now i am using trimbow they are much worse ,anyone else found this ,I'm thinking maybe it is the copd its self ,I've never had night Sweat before this illness and medication
Night sweats: Hi ,I am having dreadful... - Lung Conditions C...
Night sweats

Hi Alice since I started using Trimbow I have terrible night sweats, I wake up most nights soaked. Have a great day and take care of yourself 😊 Bernadette xx
Hi Alice I’m sorry to hear your getting night sweats it’s really awful thing to try and cope with. I have night sweats but not due to any medication it’s because I have had an infection for a long time. I get day sweats also shivering etc everything that comes with infection. Is there any chance you have symptoms of infection?? I see someone else agrees with you and suffers from them also so it probably is your new medication you really have to go back to person that put you on the new medication there maybe something else you can try. I hope things get better soon with these side effects or if you’re not coping get it changed. Sorry iv not been much help to you but I am thinking of you best of luck 🌹🌹
No shazarab I haven't got signs of infection ,but I know what you mean ,hope you are well soon
Hi shazrab, I to have been having terrible night sweats and have an infection running at the moment. I cant seem to shake infections and have had 5 since January 23rd when diagnosed. I've not been in hospital "yet" and terrified I'm losing much needed lung function. What has your dr. said or doing I'm having little luck with mine. Just another set of antibiotics I've also got infection in sinuses too which they say is not helping copd. Can u offer any advice please Maz

Hi Dog iv had an infection since last year, at first I was getting antibiotics for a week but soon as they finished I’d feel so much worse . I’m now on clarithromycin continuesly I was told last year the name of the infection and that it was sitting at the bottom of my lungs I cannot remember what it’s called but I still have the same infection as I ended up in hospital and they ran tests to find out , thankfully the dr in the hospital told my respiratory Dr and GP that I had to get 2 weeks of tablets at a time eventually as I say I’m on them all the time. Unfortunately I feel floored no energy, too hot, too cold then both together iv even been told iv now got kidney infection and it’s because the initial infection is trying to leave my body and it leaves through sweats and causing other infection elsewhere. Those little buggers hanging onto what they can do they can stay alive in the mean time making me miserable. I’m so sorry to hear your feeling so poorly I do hope you’re feeling better soon and the medication works . I can’t tell you anything much I’m afraid about lung function as no one has ever mentioned to me that infection can effect your lung function. I wish you well and easy breathing soon and I’m sorry I couldn’t be of better help to you. Take care and please let us know how your feeling 🌹🌹
I suffer with night sweats am on fostair at night and spiriva day time , always about 3 or 4 o’clock in morning. Absolutely dripping .
Exact like me 3 or 4 in morning wake up soaked even though I sleep near window that is open
When i had Fostair I had terrible night sweats too, even my head would sweat, my bed and pillow would be wet, as was my hair. It stopped when I stopped the Fostair. Trimbow apparently contains some same ingredients as Fostair so it could be having the same effect.
Umm,what are you using now hungry
I had night sweats for months and just put up with it but was going on holiday and so went to doctor . She said infection though it did not feel like that, gave me azithromycin I tablet 3 days only and that cleared it . Brilliant. Did not return to night sweats since but have had azithromycin a year later to clear another infection and again it was good
. Had become sensitive to clarythromycin when i was given a fortnights dose to " clear my chest for the winter" at my regular yearly appointment. The consultant had heard crackles but i didnt have an obvious infection. I don't know if that was a good idea or not but I had to go along with him. He knows better than me but I wasn't happy about that.
Hi jay bird I didn’t know azithromycin was used to treat infection as I was put on them to try and prevent infection and although iv still got an ongoing infection I am told by respiratory dr through a letter to my dr that I should stay on them . Can I ask what did your dr say the crackles were that he heard or did he not say, hope you’re feeling better have a lovely day 🌹🌹
Shazrab no Dr didn't Say anything than he could hear crackles and that he would give me something to clear my chest for winter. Iam lucky that I do not get infections as much as most people but my breathing is very much worse and I only see consultant once a year in Oct. GPS are not very much help generally and at present are so busy that you are severely rationed for time. I have to choose between problems . My other main problem is that I cannot walk very well and lack of eXercise due to spine is cause of deterioration. Breathing in this humidity is difficult but air today after terrific thunderstorm is fresher so have Windows open . My house is not good in heat --- too much glass. But i have electric fan and hang a clean wet cloth/tissue over it to cool down. Ought to buy one of these new fan s that have water inside but doubtful about that as it might get infected and spread infections. I
Does any body have any ideas about that?
Shazrab Keep well in this heat 😎
I would get my sputum checked to make sure you have t picked up anything else
I wake up hot and sweaty and horrible. I put it down to COPD as mainly my chest was the sweaty area but maybe it is the Trimbow now you mention it as I never used to get sweaty.