So I had a chest infection on the 29th of Nov and a massive hoo haaa with the GP/walk in centre back and forth with 3 lots of antibiotics ect. Fast forward to today and although I'm not as chesty/wheezy as I originally was ive still not returned to work because I'm not feeling 100%. Is it normal to wake having a panic attack in the mornings? And have bouts of closophobia? Ive spoken to my Dr who seems to think that it's all in my head and that "talking therapy" will help. Ive never suffered with a bad chest this long. Just usual annual winter weekly one thay goes after a course of antibitocs.. or am I losing it like the GP assumes 🤦♀️🤪I have a copd review tomorrow
Still feeling poorly : So I had a chest... - Lung Conditions C...
Still feeling poorly

You are not losing it. Panic attacks are pretty normal when you have lung problems which will not go away. I'm sure plenty of other people will be along soon who can give you advice on how to cope with them. Have you had a proper antibiotic yet for an adequate time? Those short courses of toytown antibiotics have given the germs plenty of time to regrow and have a party. Good luck tomorrw in getting what you need.
Hi Mellie, no wonder you’re still poorly either just five days of antibiotics at a time. That’s as good as useless. You need at least 10 days of a good antibiotic such as Doxycycline if you can take it. It’s not suitable for everyone.
Hope tomorrow goes well for you and you feel better soon. Xxxx
my panic and anxiety always worse morning or if I wake at night . May be breathing with open mouth , drying throat making it harder to breathe .
Try sitting up , getting control of your breath , sip of water , inhaler if you need, then gentle , gentle pursed lip breathing . I try 5 seconds gentle breath holds , but not suitable for everyone.
Lots of advice on dealing with panic on the ALUK website . You are not losing it , so many people on this site feel anxious , breathing problems are scary .
Have you had a recent sputum test to see if infection gone , or need more or different ABs . I was given 5 days Doxycycline, but still discoloured mucus . Now have another Rescue Pack sent to me .
All in the mind ? My panic is worse when breathing is bad ….link between breathlessness and anxiety , but it’s a physical thing too . Any one would panic . It’s learning to control it ….I find meditation helps , gentle gentle nose breathing the best help . But be aware when your breathing is not improving then ring for professional help and advice .
Try contacting the ALUK helpline too. Best wishes .
unfortunately anxiety depression and panic attacks are side effects of antibiotics more than what people realise. So it’s not all in your head it’s an attack on your central nervous system. Make sure you research anything a doctor gives you they will just keep pushing one poison after the other into you.
If your liver can’t clear the drug properly they can become toxic and do damage. So make sure you get the correct antibiotic for the infection and take for short amount of time, also support your gut and take plenty of antioxidants.
it's normal to have a panic attack any time of the day and with people with breathing problems they make you feel worse .your not losing it your gp sounds very unsympathetic. I'm lucky I still get tranquillisers to deal with my anxiety a rarity nowadays. your anxiety is being made worse obviously because your worrying about your chest.i had my 1st panic attack at 19 I'm still getting them at nearly wishes to you.
Were the antibiotics you were put on as the result of a sputum test? Must have the right AB that sorts the bacterium you have. Might even need an intravenous AB.
No sputum test. I was given 3 days of doxycycline. Then a few days later I had 5 days of phenoxymethylpenicillin.. then about 4/5 days later 5 days of amoxicillin. That took me from the 29th Nov to December. And although I'm still chesty/wheezy and phlegmy the drs are stating i am absolutely fine. I've a review today with the nurse so I will mention all my issues and see what they say. But I'm certain the GP thinks I'm a hypercondriact 🤣
I still think a sputum test is in order, just to prove there are no bugs there. When I used to get chest infections, I was always given at least a week of antibiotics, usually 14 days, and always the strongest versions. I don't get chest infections anymore since eradicating black mould from the bathroom of our home. Before that, I had loads, one after the other. Kept a diary in 2017, and counted 18 chest infections in that year. The mould was discovered in April 2018, when we changed our bathroom to a walk-in shower room. It was there covering a large part of the floor hidden under the bath and plastic floor tiles, and was due to a leak in the bath drain and I suspect was there all the time from when we bought the house in Aug 2013. The floor boarding was replaced.
In 2014, from the end of March into November, I had an infection with a bug, Staphylloccus Aureus, which didn't respond to oral AB's and when eventually I saw a consultant at the hospital, had a CT scan which showed I now had bi-basal bronchiectasis, that a course of intravenous AB was administered and knocked the bug out. A week later had another infection, sorted by an oral AB. Black Mould forms due to water leaks. Roof leaks where the mould is usually visible, or kitchen or bathroom, where they tend to hide under and behind.
I think maybe our previous home may have had mould as well, as I had a lot of chest infections in 2012. Also, the lady of the family who bought that house, died of a fungal lung infection.
Why did it take March to November in 2017 to get me sorted out? My doctor was off having a new hip, another doctor didn't believe in antibiotics, another was getting married, and her husband wanted her to stop work: complete mess. Complete mess, like it is now in surgeries.
like you I’d been ill since the last weekend of November and ended up in A&E overnight on IVs. Then I was given a weeks supply of amoxicolav ? And clarithromycin. A week later I was back at the GPs. I did cry and said I was fed up of being ill. I was given more clarithromycin I finished taking them early this week and fingers crossed I’m ok now so my flare up/ infection went on a long time. Coughing had finally stopped for now. Take care Do you think you may need more antibiotics? Xx
Just absolutely never ending. When I told my Dr I was sick of being ill he basically said it was me thinking I was ill that wad making me ill. Honestly the first words he said when he saw me was "oh its you again" I was so upset and he's like yeah talking therapy will help you x
No empathy there then. I was fortunate I saw a young doctor. Don’t think he knew what to do when I cried Gave me tissues. I did have a coughing fit whilst I was there so that helped. My chest was clear which seemed to be a feature previously and they think you’re okay then However the thick dark green sputum swayed it for me in hospital. Do you have sputum to take ? Hope you’re better soon It’s so wearying xx
Your not loosing it I'm like that every morning why it happens no a clue when it first stated to happen I was thinking this is the sign off the end it was my owen stress causing it I'm still hear and I just deal with by trying to keep calm
If you are bringing up sputum with cough ask about getting it tested so they can figure out if you still have infection going on and if so if it's bacterial.I know talking therapy isn't everyone's bag and know how you feel when it seems like they are saying it's all in your head as been on recieving end of that, but CBT (one form of therapy) has helped me alot in coping with how living with severe asthma makes me feel and the exacerbations.