Hey everyone!
I'm new here and didn't know where else to turn 😞
For the last 2 years on and off I feel like I'm losing my mind. Back and forth to the docs with (what I think) are chest issues and getting nowhere fast.
I'm now off work with this and meant to be going back tomorrow but I feel like utter crap. This particular episode started about 3 weeks ago with sore throats and sinus issues, fast forward to now and it's now sitting nicely on my chest and for the last week or so been spitting up greeny yellow flem, the cough is horrendous and I've NEVER known fatigue like it. Especially in my arms and shoulders, I feel like I'm carrying a led weight. Been to the docs twice in 3 weeks and he says there's I've got hay fever and gave me a steroid nasal spray. He listened to my chest and says I haven't got a chest infection?!
This has been on and off for more than 2 years, I'm not in any particular pain but I feel so weak and fatigued. I feel like the flu but with chest issues if you know what I mean. Everyone I've spoken to says it sounds like a chest infection other than my GP! I asked him if I needed a chest X-ray he said no!
I'm worried it will turn into something nasty as it's been 3 weeks now. I called 111 and they said to go back to my gp which I have done!
Any answers would be greatly appreciated I'm worried sick.
Thanks X