Hi there. I've been having breathing issues and pains in my chest which I just put down to asthma.
In august 17 I had a chest CT scan which was clear. Early April I had a cardiac CT scan as GP thought breathlessness may be heart releated (swelling ankles etc). My heart is fine but they found a nodule in my right upper lobe.
I didnt ask any questions so have no idea what size etc it is. Stupid right? The cardiac consultant said he wasnt concerned but wondered if I knew of this nodule as in I could have been born with it. I said no - chest CT was at different hospital so he wasnt to know about it.
He is bringing me in to rescan in three months. I thought fine - he isnt worried and if it was something they would bring me in, in two weeks.
My mind is going nuts. My GP says its nothing to worry about as I dont cough up blood and am not a chain smoker. I smoked thirty years ago for about ten years. I have asthma confirmed by the spirometer testing that same August.
I dont have a diagnosis and feel silly but my mind wont stop going into overdrive and I cant concentrate which is a bit of a disaster as I am self employed.
Ive googled (yes I know, shouldnt do that!) and seen that although most nodules are nothing, the risk goes up if it is in the upper lobe and if it grows fast (is it fast to appear in 18 mths?) . It wasnt there 18 mths ago - although GP said they will relook at original scans in case it was missed.
I guess I am wondering if the doctor says not to be concerned, how do I just stop thinking about it.