Happy New Year everyone .As I'm on oxygen 24/7,should I be going out when it's 3° . I have emphysema and pulmonary hypertension.
Oxygen and cold weather: Happy New Year... - Lung Conditions C...
Oxygen and cold weather
I think you are the only one to answer this, how do you normally react in very cold weather do you struggle to get your breath , do you yourself think its wise to go out, the general consensus is not to go out in cold weather as your throat constricts and makes breathing a strain on your lungs and heart I would stay at home, take care.
Thank you for your reply.I will take your advice and stay home while it's so cold.I was thinking along those lines myself but unsure of I was needlessly worrying about being a wimp....Sue
Listen to your body. Most of us are affected by very cold weather. It's not wimpish to avoid things which make you ill. ( it's taken me a long time to educate my nearest and dearest about this.)
A few years ago a local GP (not my surgery) who specialises in copd told me it was inadvisable to go out in temperatures below 6 degrees.
This morning it was 4 degrees. I was meant to be going out with my partner and a friend who is staying to meet up with two other friends for brunch. Rita was going to drop me at the cafe in the car despite it being literally 250 yards from our house. As I walked the few steps from the house to the car and got in I realised my chest and throat already felt horrible, very tight. So I went back in the house and left them to it. It took me a good few minutes to recover my normal breathing.
My lungs are in a very good state at present so I had thought it would be ok. But it wasn't, and nothing is worth risking your health for. Last year wasn't so bad in the cold even though my lungs were in worse condition. So as everyone here is saying, see how your lungs are feeling but maybe bear in mind the words above of the specialist GP.
I have both COPD/EMPHYSEMA and Pulmonary Hypertension .also on oxygen 24/7 .1L resting and 3L moving around. Can I ask if you are on any medication for the Pulmonary Hypertension as I have been given just oxygen. I don't go out in the very cold weather, but that's my choice. I would be very interested to know about medication for Pulmonary Hypertension.
Thank you and sending ❤️ xx.Sheila
Sheila, I’m certain I told you about medication for PH. I sent you a long direct message about my illnesses and medications.
Never saw your reply. I was not on here fir a while as been very ill. Maybe that's when you posted it. XxSheila never received message.
Found your message but nothing about your illnesses or medication fir Pulmonary Hypertension mentioned xx.Sheila
I know I’ve told you about my autoimmune lung disease and PH and about the fact I am on oxygen 24/7, a ventilator at night and all the drugs I take, including Sildenafil 3 times a day for PH.
Thank you for your reply.I'm not on medication for ph but ,for some,Papworth have a new treatment for certain cases but I wasn't a suitable candidate....Sue x
I'm not on any medication for Pulmonary Hypertension which bothers me..I am currently disputing this xx.Sheila
Hi again Fribox, can I ask when you were diagnosed with Pulmonary Hypertension please. Thank you and take care xx.Sheila 🥰
Hello again Sheila.I was diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension when put on oxygen for 16 hrs at 2ltrs and 4ltrsambulatory 2 years ago at the end of 2022.
My oxygen levels changed around the middle of last year and I' m now on oxygen 24/7 and on 5ltrs which sent me into meltdown over my condition,.I am now recovered from that spell and back on my positive path.
The consultant was very concerned about the raised levels of hypertension and sent my scans,etc.to Royal Papworth to assess whether I was suitable for their new treatment. Sorry for the waffle but hope it helps you....Sue xx
Thanks Sue ,I have never had my Pulmonary Hypertension explained to me. Had an echocardiogramme and then told by receptionist at surgery all ok before being told weeks later by pharmacist at surgery I had Pulmonary Hypertension..he said no medication required only 24/7 oxygen surprised me and still in the dark..I was only on oxygen when required and overnight on 24/7. Still baffled and totally reliant on it now. I have an oxygen assessment on 24th January so I'll let you know how i get on. I do have a fantastic Respiratory team who call to my house when required but unfortunately they are not qualified to comment on the PH
Thanks Sue for taking the time to reply .sending Welsh cwtches (hugs)
Sheila 💕 🏴xx
Good luck with your appointment later this month.write down any questions you have Don't Google Pulmonary hypertension as it can seem very scary! Take care..xxx Sue
A happy, healthy New Year to you Fribox. Diane 😊
Hi - We are v ery similar so my expertienmce may be helpful. First thing every day I check the humidity. If it is about 85% I know I will have a difficult day.. Thus, if it is also below about 5 I shall think very6 hards before venturing out. Below 3 I shall stay indoors.
The humidity has an effect on our uptake of O2. I can opffset this slightly by raising the O2 rate on my compressor or tank. But cold air still makes the little alveoli close up!. I use a silk (NOT wool) scarf to breath through. It helps warm the air and does not leach fluff.
And that's it. Right no I have been pretty much housebound for a week and expect another day or two at least. I have got out to a lunch with the family but it was hard making the tyransfers.
Thank you for your kind response Timberman. I agree with you about watching the temperature and have been housebound this last week .I am going out for lunch tomorrow with friends but only have to get in the car and stop right outside the restaurant.I have cancelled any other outings as the temperature is dropping quite dramatically this week.Patiently waiting for spring.Stay strong and keep away from the germs floating about xx